Supervisory reporting
This page provides on overview of supervisory reporting requirements. With the entry into force of the CRD IV/CRR framework new reporting requirements become applicable which are defined by the EBA via technical standards or guidelines.
A pathway for a more efficient and proportionate supervisory reporting.

- Overview of IT solutions under CRR reporting | IT solutions for CRR reporting
- Adopted ITS and templates on supervisory reporting in other EU languages I Instructions (IT solutions) in other EU languages
- Mapping tool | version with track changes (Updated 9 July 2024)
- EBA Reporting Frameworks
- Single Rulebook Q&A on Supervisory reporting
- Signposting tool
- DPM 1.0 and DPM 2.0
Technical Standards, Guidelines & Recommendations
Technical standards
Guidelines on harmonised definitions and templates for funding plans of credit institutions (updated)
The updated Guidelines on harmonised definitions and templates for funding plans of credit institutions aim at improving the assessment of banks' funding plans and the relevance of the data provided for such assessments based on experience gained through the analysis of the data received as well as the questions raised via the EBA Single Rulebook Q&A tool.
Opinions, Reports and other Publications
Opinion on improving decision-making for supervisory reporting (EBA-Op-2017-03).pdf
Opinion on improving decision-making for supervisory reporting (EBA-Op-2017-03)
EBA-Op-2014-01 (Opinion on the amendment to reporting dates) with Annex.pdf
EBA-Op-2014-01 EBA Opinion on the amendment to reporting dates
Decision on institutions IRRBB data ad-hoc collection.pdf
Decision on institutions IRRBB data ad-hoc collection
EBA DC 446 Decision concerning investment firms reporting by CAs to the EBA.pdf
Decision concerning investment firms reporting by CAs to the EBA
EBA DC 448 Decision amending EUCLID Decision.pdf
Decision amending EUCLID Decision
EBA DC 156 (Decision on Data for Supervisory Benchmarking).pdf
Decision on Data for Supervisory Benchmarking (EBA DC 156)
Repealed by EBA DC 337
EBA DC 090 rev1 (Decision on Reporting by Competent Authorities to the EBA).pdf
Decision of the European Banking Authority - Decision on reporting by competent authorities to the EBA (EBA DC 090 rev1)
Repealed by EBA DC 334
EBA report to the ESRB Recommendation on identifying legal entities.pdf
Report in reply to the ESRB Recommendation on identifying legal entities
EBA Final report on Feasibility study of the integrated reporting system.pdf
Report on feasibility study of the integrated reporting system
Study of the cost of compliance with supervisory reporting requirement.pdf
Study of the cost of compliance with supervisory reporting requirement
Report on the implementation of selected COVID-19 policies.pdf
Report on the implementation of selected COVID-19 policies
Committee of European Banking Supervisors Report - Results of the comprehensive quantitative impact study (16 December 2010)
CEBS 20080903Report on Delegation.pdf
Committee of European Banking Supervisors Report - Report on delegation: Executive summary (3 September 2008)
Committee of European Banking Supervisors Report - Assessment of convergence in supervisory reporting (8 October 2007)
Other publications
EBA Validation Rules 2021 03 10.xlsx
EBA Validation Rules
EBA XBRL Filing Rules for v2.0.0.pdf
EBA XBRL Filing Rules for v2.0.0
COREP FINREP XBRL Taxonomy v2.0.0.pdf
COREP FINREP XBRL Taxonomy v2.0.0
3L3 Joint Contribution.pdf
3L3 publication - 3L3 Joint Contribution to the European Commission’s consultation on the improvement of supervision for the financial services sector (CESR 09 356; CEBS 2009 85; CEIOPS 3L3 04 09)
EC Letter on supervisory powers_31 march 2008.pdf
European Commission letter - Letter from Jorgen Holmquist (Directorate General Internal Market and Services) to Kerstin af Jochnick (Chair, Committee of European Banking Supervisors) on supervisory powers (31 March 2008)
CEBS 2008 93 rev1 _Amendments to guidance implementation to COREP_ _2_.pdf
Committee of European Banking Supervisors publication - Explanatory notes to the templates (July 2008)
CEBS 2007 177 rev 2 (template for written agreements) final 2.pdf
Committee of European Banking Supervisors publication - Template for a Multilateral Cooperation and Coordination Agreement on the Supervision of XY Group (27 December 2007)
College Good Practices Paper_2 April 2009.pdf
Committee of European Banking Supervisors publication - Good Practices on the functioning of Colleges of Supervisors for cross-border banking groups (2 April 2009)
CEBS 2007 75 (Range of practices) final.pdf
Committee of European Banking Supervisors publication - Range of practices on supervisory colleges and home-host cooperation (27 December 2007)