Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism
The EBA is required to ensure the integrity, transparency and orderly functioning of financial markets. As part of this mandate , the EBA works to prevent the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF).
The EBA discharges its functions in this field by:
- leading the development of AML/CFT policy and supporting its effective implementation by competent authorities and financial institutions across the EU to foster an effective risk-based approach to AML/CFT with consistent outcomes;
- coordinating across the EU and beyond by fostering effective cooperation and information exchange between all relevant authorities in a way that supports the development of a common understanding of ML/TF risks, strengthens risk-based AML/CFT supervision, ensures that emerging risks are dealt with promptly across the single market and ensures effective oversight of cross border financial institutions; and
- monitoring the implementation of EU AML/CFT policies and standards to identify vulnerabilities in competent authorities’ approaches to AML/CFT supervision and to take steps to mitigate them before ML/TF risks materialise.
The Factsheet on the EBA’s new role in AML/CFT provides an overview of our approach.
The EBA also launched a Newsletter with the latest activities on AML/CFT. You can subscribe to receive the newsletter here and explore the previous issues here.
- Call for expression of interest: industry roundtable on aspects of the future EU AML/CFT regime (24 October 2024)
- The European Commission’s AML/CFT pages
- Europol
- The Financial Action Task Force
- Moneyval
- EBA Q&A Tool
- 2019 Joint Opinion on ML/TF risks – visualisation interactive tool
- 2021 Opinion on ML/TF risks – visualisation interactive tool
- Call for input on ‘de-risking’ and its impact on access to financial services
- Technical Expert Groups created by the EBA AML/CFT Unit to advise on aspects related to the revised Regulation on information accompanying transfers of funds (TFR)
- List of Authorities Designated as Competent for the AML CFT Supervision of Financial Institutions in the EU
- Multilateral Agreement on the practical modalities for exchange of information on AML/CFT between the ECB and CAs
Technical Standards, Guidelines & Recommendations
Technical standards
Opinions, Reports and other Publications
EBA Op 2023 08 Opinion on MLTF risks EBA REP 2023 21.pdf
Opinion on ML TF risks
EBA Opinion and annexed report on de-risking.pdf
Opinion and Report on de-risking and its impact on access to financial services
Opinion on MLTF risks.pdf
Opinion on the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing affecting the European Union’s financial sector
EBA Opinion on the interplay between the AMLD and the DGSD.pdf
Opinion on the interplay between the EU AMLD and the EU DGSD
Opinion on how to take into account MLTF risks in SREP.pdf
Opinion on how to take into account ML/TF risks in the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process
Opinion on the future AML CFT framework in the EU.pdf
EBA Opinion on European Commission’s call for advice on the future EU legal framework on AML/CFT
Joint Opinion on the risks on ML and TF affecting the EU's financial sector.pdf
Joint Opinion on the risks of ML and TF affecting the EU’s financial sector
Opinion on Communication of ML TF risks to supervised entities.pdf
Opinion on Communication of ML TF risks to supervised entities
EBA Opinion .pdf
Opinion on the nature of passport notifications for agents and distributors of e-money
Opinion on the use of innovative solutions by credit and financial institutions (JC-2017-81).pdf
Opinion on the use of innovative solutions by credit and financial institutions (JC-2017-81)
Report on the functioning of AMLCFT colleges in 2022.pdf
Report on the functioning of AMLCFT colleges in 2022
EBA Op 2023 08 Opinion on MLTF risks EBA REP 2023 21.pdf
Opinion on ML TF risks
AML implementation review report.pdf
Report on competent authorities’ approaches to the AML CFT supervision of banks
Report on ML TF risks associated with payment institutions.pdf
Report on ML TF risks associated with payment institutions
Report on functionion of AML CFT Colleges.pdf
Report on the functioning of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing colleges in 2021
Report on CAs approaches to AML CFT supervision.pdf
Report on competent authorities' approaches to AML CFT supervision of banks
Other publications
Call for Input.pdf
Call for Input on the 2017 Joint Guidelines to prevent the abuse of fund transfers for ML/TF purposes
Call for Candidates CASPS.pdf
Call for expression of interest to the EBA’s Technical Expert Group on crypto asset service providers and AML (TEG-CASPs/AML)
Call for Candidates SANCTIONS.pdf
Call for expression of interest to the EBA’s Technical Expert Group on restrictive measures regimes and targeted financial sanctions (TEG-RMRs)
EBA statement on financial inclusion in relation to Ukraine.pdf
EBA statement on financial inclusion in the context of the invasion of Ukraine
EBA response to the consultation on the Commission's AMLCFT action plan final for publication.pdf
EBA response to the European Commission public consultation on AML/CFT action plan and establishment of an EU-level AML/CFT supervisor
AML CFT Factsheet.pdf
AML/CFT Factsheet
European Supervisory Authorities' Joint Committee publication - Sub-Committee on anti-money laundering: Protocol for Supervisory Cooperation in the field of anti-money laundering