Implementing Technical Standards on the reporting on ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency under MiCAR

  • Status: Final draft RTS/ITS adopted by the EBA and submitted to the European Commission

The Implementing Technical Standards  (ITS) on the reporting on ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency provide specific templates and related instructions for the issuers of ARTs and of EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency to comply with their reporting obligations. They also provide templates and related instructions that crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) must provide to issuers of ARTs and of EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency.

Summary of document history

Previous versions Current version Ongoing versions

Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the reporting on ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currency under MiCAR

  • Status: Not yet applicable
  • Application date:
  • Compliance deadline:
ANNEX V - DPM and validation rules

(77.87 KB - PDF)

ANNEX IV Reporting for crypto-asset service providers - instructions

(170.26 KB - PDF)

ANNEX III Reporting for crypto-asset service providers templates

(24.1 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)

ANNEX II Reporting for issuers of asset-referenced token - instructions

(348.47 KB - PDF)

ANNEX I Reporting for issuers of asset-referenced token templates

(34.15 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)

Final Report on draft ITS on reporting on asset-referenced tokens under MiCAR

(655.89 KB - PDF)

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu