Guidelines on complaints handling by credit servicers under CSD

  • Status: Final and awaiting translation into the EU official languages

The Guidelines on complaints handling by credit servicers under the Credit Servicers Directive (CSD) suggest applying to credit servicers the requirements of the existing Joint Committee Guidelines on complaints-handling. Those requirements include complaints management policy, complaints management function, registration, reporting, internal follow-up, provision of information and procedures for responding to complaints.

Summary of document history

Previous versions Current version Ongoing versions

Consultation on Guidelines on complaints handling by credit servicers under CSD

  • Status: Closed
  • Deadline: 9 FEBRUARY 2024
Consultation paper on draft Guidelines on complaints handling by credit servicers under CSD

(371.81 KB - PDF)

BSG response to Consultation on draft Guidelines on complaints handling by credit services

(111.43 KB - PDF)


The form is now closed.

Public hearings

Public hearing on the Guidelines on complaints handling by credit servicers


(541.6 KB - PDF)

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu