13th Annual Research Workshop - Boundaries of Banking Regulation
- Conference/Workshop
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The 2024 EBA Policy Research Workshop will address and explore policies that can ensure innovation and sustainability in a context of competition and risk arbitrage, while ensuring financial stability. From the perspective of financial regulation, the boundaries of banking regulation raise important research questions about the adequacy of the present regulatory regime.
Call for papers
The organisers are inviting submissions of policy-oriented, preferably empirical, research papers. Researchers from supervisory authorities and central banks are especially encouraged to submit papers for presentation. Submissions are particularly welcome on the following topics:
- Implications of the growing role of non-bank financial intermediaries for loan origination standards, access to finance for riskier borrowers and for the stability of credit supply over the business cycle.
- Maturity transformation intermediated by asset management firms, including private equity and hedge funds, non-bank finance firms and the use of security markets.
- Links between non-supervised and supervised financial entities and potential financial stability implications of failures of non-bank financial firms.
- Importance of regulatory supervision for non-bank systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs).
- Development of digital technologies, regulatory challenges and responses.
Interested parties should submit their draft papers and any queries to research.conferences@eba.europa.eu at the European Banking Authority.
The submission deadline is Friday 5 July 2024.
Call for papers
(157 KB - PDF)