Response to consultation on Implementing Technical Standards amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/451 on supervisory reporting

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Question 1: Are the instructions and templates clear to the respondents?

Please see response attached.


Question 2: Do the respondents identify any discrepancies between these templates and instructions and the calculation of the requirements set out in the underlying regulation?

Please see response attached.

Question 3: Do the respondents agree that the amended ITS fits the purpose of the underlying regulation?

Please see response attached.

Question 4 - Cost of compliance with the reporting requirements: Is or are there any element(s) of this proposal for new and amended reporting requirements that you expect to trigger a particularly high, or in your view disproportionate, effort or cost of compliance? If yes, please: ▪ specify which element(s) of the proposal trigger(s) that particularly high cost of compliance, ▪ explain the nature/source of the cost (i.e. explain what makes it costly to comply with this particular element of the proposal) and specify whether the cost arises as part of the implementation, or as part of the on-going compliance with the reporting requirements, ▪ offer suggestions on alternative ways to achieve the same/a similar result with lower cost of compliance for you. ▪ what are your views on introducing more granular reporting in Step 2 in credit risk IRB templates C 08.XX to include obligor or loan level reporting? Explain the nature/source of the cost and the benefits.

Please see response attached.

Do you identify any issues regarding the introduction of this template? Would it be more useful to report the information in C 08.01 to directly compare between capital requirements determined by the IRB approach and the SA?

Please see response attached.

Is the design for the reporting of transitional provisions for the output floor clear enough? If you identify any issues, please specify the related templates and instructions.

Please see response attached.

Question 7 – group solvency template C06.02: Do you identify any issues with the new column 0075 introduced in the group solvency template C06.02 to report the floor adjustment of group entities subject to own funds requirements?

Please see response attached.

Question 8 – Do you have any other comment on the changes to reporting related to the output floor?

Please see response attached.

Do you identify any issues related to the introduction of this new subset? Is this proposal clear enough? If you identify any issues, please suggest how to clarify the reporting.

Please see response attached.

Question 10: Do you have any comment on the other changes included in the C 07.00 template? Other changes include a separate exposure class for “Corporates – Specialised lending, an “of which” row for exposures to central banks, revised memorandum item rows to align with the breakdown for exposures secured by immovable property, a new column “other” for transitional CCFs for UCC, and a last column to report the impact of transitional provisions on CCFs for UCC.

Please see response attached.

Question 11: CIUs under the SA approach – Please also refer to question 16 on the reporting of CIU positions and underlying exposures under the IRB: Do institutions have information readily at their disposal on underlying exposures of CIUs in order to be reported as it is proposed to be done in C 08.01? Would this add substantial reporting costs?

Please see response attached.

Which option would be preferable taking into account the ready available data and reporting costs? Which one would be more advantageous for data analysis?

Please see response attached.

Question 13 – IRB retail: Is the breakdown of exposure class ‘Retail’ clear and unambiguous? Would an “of which” approach analogous to option 2 described in question 12 but referring to “Secured by immovable property” instead of “Large Corporates” be advantageous for data analysis and preferable taking into account the ready available data and reporting costs?

Please see response attached.

Would it be less costly to report the whole breakdown of exposure classes of Art. 147 (2) c) CRR3, i.e. including ‘Corporates-other’ instead of reporting ‘of which’ items for Specialised Lending exposures and purchased receivables?

Please see response attached.

• Question 15.1: Is it clear how positions of exposure class CIU (Art. 147 (2) e1) CRR3 are to be reflected in the CR-IRB templates (C 08.01 to C 08.07)?

Please see response attached.

• Question 15.2: Regarding CIU positions whose underlying are securitisations or equity exposures, would it be clearer and easier to report these underlying exposures under the securitisation and equity templates (C 13.01 and C 10.01, respectively)? Inversely, should they be reported under the credit risk templates?

Please see response attached.

• Question 15.3: If you identify any issues, please suggest how to clarify their treatment in the templates and/or instructions.

Please see response attached.

• Question 15.4: Do institutions have information readily at their disposal on underlying exposures of CIUs in order to be reported as it is proposed to be done in C 08.01? Would this add substantial reporting costs? If so, how are those underlying exposures currently reported?

Please see response attached.

• Question 15.5: Would it add substantial reporting burden for institutions if these exposures would be reported under a separate template where both the CIU positions and the underlying exposures would be reported under the corresponding exposure class? Would this approach be clearer?

Please see response attached.

In template C 08.01 a breakdown on mortgages is added for covering supervisory information needs on residential and commercial real estate as well as IPRE and ADC exposures. In this context, a breakdown for non-IPRE exposures into “secured” and “unsecured” (risk weighted as not secured by immovable property) is introduced referring to Articles 125 (1) respectively 126 (1) CRR3 in order to further align reporting for SA and IRB exposures. Do institutions – in particular the ones applying own LGD estimates – have information readily at their disposal for providing this further split into “secured” and “unsecured”. Would this add substantial reporting costs?

Please see response attached.

Question 17 – revised instructions for template C 15.00: The instructions have been updated to align with the legal references with the new articles introduced in Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 for exposures secured by immovable property and the revised [Article 430a] on specific reporting obligations. The instructions have been clarified on certain aspects. The template has been amended to remove the two columns referring to the mortgage lending value. Are the revised instructions clear enough? If you identify any issues, please suggest how to clarify the reporting.

Please see response attached.

Are the reporting template C 25.00 and related instructions clear enough? If you identify any issues, please suggest how to clarify the reporting.

Please see response attached.

Question 19 – Simplified standardized approach, market risk overview in C 02.00 and offsetting group concept in the group solvency templates a) Did you identify any issues regarding the representation of the (policy) framework regarding the simplified standardized approach, the overall RWEA for market risk and the offsetting group concept in the templates C 02.00, C 06.02 and C 18.00 to C 23.00? Are further amendments necessary to align the reporting with the CRR3? b) Are the amended templates and instructions clear?

Please see response attached.

a) Did you identify any issues regarding the representation of the (policy) framework for the boundary in templates C 90.05 and C 90.06?

Please see response attached.

b) Are the scope of application of the requirement to report the different templates, the scope of positions/instruments/profits and losses etc. included in the scope of every template, the template itself and the instructions clear? If not, please explain the issues needing clarification, and make a suggestion on how to address them.

Please see response attached.

Question 21: Do you agree with the changes to the Leverage ratio reporting as implementing the new CRR3 provisions? Do you see any further amendments needed?

Please see response attached.

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