Guidelines on the remuneration benchmarking exercise
- Status: Final and translated into the EU official languages
These Guidelines are meant to increase the consistency of information collected on the remuneration practices of credit institutions and investment firms in order to benchmark remuneration trends. As requested by the Capital Requirements Directive, national competent authorities shall collect the information and benchmark remuneration trends at national level while the EBA is in charge of performing the benchmarking at European level. The updates to these Guidelines, which had originally been published on 27 July 2012, follow on from changes in reporting requirements as laid down in the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation (CRDIV and CRR).
Summary of document history
Final report on Guidelines on the remuneration benchmarking exercise
- Status: Repealed
- Application date:
- Compliance deadline:
Guidelines on the remuneration benchmarking exercise
(486.9 KB - PDF)
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Compliance table
(119.24 KB - PDF) Last update 5 August 2014
bgБългарски (258.72 KB - PDF)
csČeština (259.08 KB - PDF)
daDansk (147.95 KB - PDF)
deDeutsch (124.48 KB - PDF)
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esEspañol (486.9 KB - PDF)
etEesti (116.26 KB - PDF)
frFrançais (148.18 KB - PDF)
huMagyar (279 KB - PDF)
itItaliano (280.06 KB - PDF)
ltLietuvių (252.63 KB - PDF)
lvLatviešu (256.66 KB - PDF)
mtMalti (112.85 KB - PDF)
nlNederlands (136.13 KB - PDF)
plPolski (176.56 KB - PDF)
ptPortuguês (253.9 KB - PDF)
roRomână (250.08 KB - PDF)
skSlovenčina (122.71 KB - PDF)
slSlovenščina (119.57 KB - PDF)
svSvenska (251.1 KB - PDF)
Press contacts
Franca Rosa Congiu