Regulatory Technical Standards on extraordinary circumstances for continuing the use of an internal model

  • Status: Final draft RTS/ITS adopted by the EBA and submitted to the European Commission

The Regulatory Technical Standards on extraordinary circumstances for continuing the use of an internal model establish a high-level framework for identifying a situation of extraordinary circumstances, setting out conditions that need to be met, and define indicators that could support the identification of extraordinary circumstances.

Summary of document history

Previous versions Current version Ongoing versions

Consultation on draft RTS on extraordinary circumstances for continuing the use of an internal model

  • Status: Closed
  • Deadline: 3 NOVEMBER 2023
Consultation paper on draft RTS on extraordinary circumstances for continuing the use of an internal model

(428.03 KB - PDF) Last update 3 August 2023


The form is now closed.

Public hearings

Public hearing on RTS on extraordinary circumstances


(644.97 KB - PDF) Last update 20 September 2023

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu