Response to consultation on Guidelines on preventing the abuse of funds and certain crypto-assets transfers for ML/TF (Travel rule Guidelines)

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Question 1. Do you agree with the proposed provisions? If you do not agree, please explain how you think these provisions should be amended, and set out why they should be amended. Please provide evidence of the impact these provisions would have if they were maintained as drafted'?

Please find attached a file containing:

  • VerifyVASP's responses to the Consultation on Guidelines on preventing the abuse of funds and certain crypto-assets transfers for ML/TF (Travel rule Guidelines)
  • A summary of an independent assessment of our responses to FATF's Guiding Questions for Travel Rule Compliance Tool Providers in the June 2023 Targeted Update
  • A hold-harmless letter from PwC if you would like to obtain the full report

We thank you for the opportunity to participate in this important consultation

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