2016 EU-wide transparency exercise


    The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its ninth report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector. The report is accompanied by the EBA's 2016 transparency exercise, which provides essential data, in a comparable and accessible format, for 131 banks across the EU. Overall, banks have further strengthened their capital position, allowing them to continue the process of repair. The report identifies as the key challenges in that process the remaining high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs) and sustained low profitability. Operational risks also appear to be on the rise and volatility in funding markets remains high.


    The EBA announced today that its annual risk assessment report accompanied by detailed individual data for the banks participating in the 2016 EU-wide transparency exercise will be published on Friday 2 December 2016 at 22:00 Central European Summer Time (21:00 GMT).


    The European Banking Authority (EBA) announced today that it will be conducting a transparency exercise in December 2016 on a wide sample of over 100 banks, which will provide actual information on banks' balance sheet based on supervisory reporting data.

The 2016 EU-wide transparency exercise provides detailed bank-by-bank data on capital positions, risk exposure amounts and asset quality on 131 banks from 24 countries of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). This exercise is part of the EBA's ongoing commitment to enhancing transparency in the EU banking sector.

The data, which is exclusively based on supervisory reporting, is published at the highest level of consolidation for the reference dates of 31 December 2015 and 30 June 2016.

The exercise has been coordinated by the EBA and carried out in close cooperation with the Competent Authorities (CAs) from all relevant jurisdictions. By disclosing comparable figures in a user-friendly format, the EBA aims to promote a greater understanding of capital positions and exposures in the EU banking sector and foster market discipline across the Single Market.

For the first time, the EU-wide transparency exercise is published along with the Risk Assessment Report (RAR) , which is based on a wider sample of 198 banks, of which 41 EU foreign subsidiaries of other EU banks. In the Transparency exercise database, as well as in the interactive tools, data is also disclosed for the bucket "All other banks", which includes the aggregated values for 26 banks which are in the RAR sample but not in the transparency exercise. These banks report to EBA at the highest level of consolidation and therefore their data contributes to the EU averages. The disclosure of figures for the rest of the sample allows users to reconcile Transparency data with respective figures for the EU in the RAR.

Banks individual results



BankLEI code
Erste Group Bank AGPQOH26KWDF7CG10L6792
Promontoria Sacher Holding N.V.5299004SNO5GECIBWJ18
Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien Registrierte Genossenschaft Mit Beschrä529900SXEWPJ1MRRX537
Raiffeisen-Landesbanken-Holding GmbH529900JP9C734S1LE008
Raiffeisenbankengruppe OÖ Verbund eGen529900XSTAE561178282
Sberbank Europe AG529900IZ8TASAYR3A694
Volksbanken Wien AG529900D4CD6DIB3CI904
BankLEI code
First Investment Bank549300UY81ESCZJ0GR95
BankLEI code
Bank of Cyprus Public Company LimitedPQ0RAP85KK9Z75ONZW93
Co -operative Central Bank Ltd5493007F6CE5P22TJ731
Hellenic Bank Public Company LtdCXUHEGU3MADZ2CEV7C11
RCB Bank Ltd253400EBCBBVB9TUHN50
BankLEI code
Danske BankMAES062Z21O4RZ2U7M96
Jyske Bank3M5E1GQGKL17HI6CPN30
Nykredit RealkreditLIU16F6VZJSD6UKHD557
BankLEI code
Kuntarahoitus Oyj529900HEKOENJHPNN480
OP-Pohjola Group7437003B5WFBOIEFY714
BankLEI code
Banque Centrale de Compensation (LCH Clearnet)R1IO4YJ0O79SMWVCHB58
Banque PSA Finance9695004ON2K947Z21B87
Bpifrance (Banque Publique d'Investissement)969500FYSB4IT3QWYB65
CRH (Caisse de Refinancement de l'Habitat)969500TVVZM86W7W5I94
Crédit Mutuel Group9695000CG7B84NLR5984
Groupe Credit AgricoleFR969500TJ5KRTCJQWXH
La Banque Postale96950066U5XAAIRCPA78
RCI Banque (Renault Crédit International)96950001WI712W7PQG45
SFIL (Société de Financement Local)549300HFEHJOXGE4ZE63
Société Générale SAO2RNE8IBXP4R0TD8PU41
BankLEI code
Bayerische LandesbankVDYMYTQGZZ6DU0912C88
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale0W2PZJM8XOY22M4GG883
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG5299007S3UH5RKUYDA52
Deutsche Bank AG7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AGDZZ47B9A52ZJ6LT6VV95
Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank AG529900HNOAA1KXQJUQ27
Erwerbsgesellschaft der S-Finanzgruppe mbH & Co. KG391200EEGLNXBBCVKC73
HASPA Finanzholding529900JZTYE3W7WQH904
Landesbank Baden-WürttembergB81CK4ESI35472RHJ606
Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen GirozentraleDIZES5CFO5K3I5R58746
Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg–Förderbank0SK1ILSPWNVBNQWU0W18
Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank529900Z3J0N6S0F7CT25
Münchener Hypothekenbank eG529900GM944JT8YIRL63
NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank GirozentraleDSNHHQ2B9X5N6OUJ1236
NRW.BANK, Düsseldorf52990002O5KK6XOGJ020
VW Financial Services AG529900USFSZYPS075O24
BankLEI code
Alpha Bank AE5299009N55YRQC69CN08
Eurobank Ergasias SAJEUVK5RWVJEN8W0C9M24
National Bank of Greece SA5UMCZOEYKCVFAW8ZLO05
Piraeus Bank SAM6AD1Y1KW32H8THQ6F76
BankLEI code
OTP Bank Nyrt.529900W3MOO00A18X956
BankLEI code
Allied Irish Banks, Plc3U8WV1YX2VMUHH7Z1Q21
Bank of IrelandQ2GQA2KF6XJ24W42G291
Permanent TSB Group Holdings Plc635400DTNHVYGZODKQ93
BankLEI code
Banca Carige SpA - Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e ImperiaF1T87K3OQ2OV1UORLH26
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpAJ4CP7MHCXR8DAQMKIL78
Banca Popolare di Milano Scarl8156009BC82130E7FC43
Banca Popolare di SondrioJ48C8PCSJVUBR8KCW529
Banca Popolare di Vicenza SCpAV3AFM0G2D3A6E0QWDG59
Banca popolare dell'Emilia Romagna SCN747OI7JINV7RUUH6190
Banco Popolare Società Cooperativa5493006P8PDBI8LC0O96
Credito Emiliano Holding SpA815600AD83B2B6317788
Credito Valtellinese549300BDV4C410CYAQ76
ICCREA Holding815600D79C96B9661149
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA2W8N8UU78PMDQKZENC08
Mediobanca - Banca di Credito Finanziario SpAPSNL19R2RXX5U3QWHI44
UniCredit SpA549300TRUWO2CD2G5692
Unione di Banche Italiane SCpA81560097964CBDAED282
Veneto Banca SCpA549300W9STRUCJ2DLU64
BankLEI code
BankLEI code
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, LuxembourgR7CQUF1DQM73HUTV1078
Precision Capital S.A.549300AUUQG072ATL746
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A.549300IVXKQHV6O7PY61
State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A.RNVZOEETEJ32KW0QXS82
UBS (Luxembourg) S.A.5299007CS17YR0FL8U25
BankLEI code
Bank of Valletta Plc529900RWC8ZYB066JF16
Commbank Europe Ltd213800EUDXECGWMKKR98
Medifin Holding Ltd213800TC9PZRBHMJW403
BankLEI code
ABN AMRO Groep N.V.724500DWE10NNL1AXZ52
Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A.DG3RU1DBUFHT4ZF9WN62
ING Groep N.V.549300NYKK9MWM7GGW15
N.V. Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten529900GGYMNGRQTDOO93
Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V.JLP5FSPH9WPSHY3NIM24
SNS Holding B.V.724500VLXQUMMD5BJB61
BankLEI code
BankLEI code
Banco Comercial Português SAJU1U6S0DG9YLT7N8ZV32
Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo, CRL529900H2MBEC07BLTB26
Caixa Económica Montepio Geral2138004FIUXU3B2MR537
Caixa Geral de Depósitos SATO822O0VT80V06K0FH57
Novo Banco5493009W2E2YDCXY6S81
BankLEI code
Banca Transilvania549300RG3H390KEL8896
BankLEI code
ABANCA Holding Financiero9598003BP0LHPHDWV834
BFA Tenedora de Acciones549300TJUHHEE8YXKI59
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, SAK8MS7FD7N5Z2WQ51AZ71
Banco Mare Nostrum549300PY124PITBSWN73
Banco Popular Español SA80H66LPTVDLM0P28XF25
Banco Santander SA5493006QMFDDMYWIAM13
Banco de Crédito Social Cooperativo SA95980020140005881190
Banco de Sabadell, SASI5RG2M0WQQLZCXKRM20
Criteria Caixa S.A.U.959800DQQUAMV0K08004
Ibercaja Banco549300OLBL49CW8CT155
Unicaja Banco S.A.5493007SJLLCTM6J6M37
BankLEI code
Kommuninvest - groupEV2XZWMLLXF2QRX0CD47
Nordea Bank - group6SCPQ280AIY8EP3XFW53
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken - groupF3JS33DEI6XQ4ZBPTN86
Svenska Handelsbanken - groupNHBDILHZTYCNBV5UYZ31
Swedbank - groupM312WZV08Y7LYUC71685
BankLEI code
Barclays PlcG5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573
HSBC Holdings Plc549300UY81ESCZJ0GR95
Lloyds Banking Group Plc549300PPXHEU2JF0AM85
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Public Limited Company2138005O9XJIJN4JPN90