The EBA facilitates the exchange of information between competent authorities, ESAs, incumbent and new entrant institutions, technology providers and other market players about FinTech.
Below you can find a list of all past and upcoming events:
Upcoming events
2nd EBA Workshop on the EC’s Call for Advice on the MiCA delegated acts on significance criteria for ARTs and EMTs and on supervisory fees | 24 July 2023
The EBA is hosting a second virtual Workshop to follow-up discussions with stakeholders regarding the European Commission’s request for technical advice on the delegated acts under the MiCA proposal concerning certain criteria for the classification of ARTs and EMTs as significant, and on supervisory fees.
The EBA organised a first workshop on 17 May 2023, where EBA staff presented their preliminary views on the response to the CfA on specific significance criteria. To follow-up on that session, and the feedback provided, EBA staff intend to present their more developed views. The objective of this second workshop is to present the indicators identified by the EBA staff in a transparent manner and provide stakeholders the opportunity to share their views.
EBA staff will also explain the proposed approach to the response to the CfA on the delegated act on supervisory fees in order to provide stakeholders the opportunity to share their views.
The event will be held on 24 July 2023 from 09:30 to 12:00, as an online interactive Workshop via Teams.
The target audience of this Workshop includes primarily actual or potential issuers of ARTs or EMTs, including credit institutions and e-money institutions, and also experts of industry associations or federations and from national competent authorities.
Interested participants should register via this registration link (password: MiCAWorkshop2) by 12 July 2023 at 16:00 CEST. The registration confirmation and dial-in details will be provided to participants after the registration deadline.
Past events
The EBA hosted a virtual Workshop to engage in a transparent discussion with stakeholders regarding the European Commission’s request for technical advice on the delegated act under the MiCA proposal concerning certain criteria for the classification of asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) and electronic money tokens (EMTs) as significant.
The EBA’s objective was to discuss key issues relating to this call for advice and the potential way forward with participants.
The event will be held on 17 May 2023 from 10:00 to 12:30, as an online interactive Workshop.
The target audience of this Workshop included primarily actual or potential issuers of ARTs or EMTs, including credit institutions and e-money institutions, and also experts of industry associations or federations and from national competent authorities.
You can find more details on the event page.
EBA, EIOPA and ESMA (together, the ESAs) hosted a workshop to present preliminary findings and engage in a discussion with stakeholders regarding the European Commission’s request for technical advice on digital finance and related issues.
The agenda covered the preliminary ESAs’ findings on market developments, risks and opportunities, and the regulatory and supervisory challenges raised by the digitalization of financial services. The ESAs will also present considerations for the way forward. The objective of this workshop is to discuss the preliminary findings and potential way forward with the participants with a view to further informing their research, analysis and proposals which will be submitted to the European Commission and published in January 2022.
The workshop is open to all stakeholders active in the digital finance field, such as financial entities, ICT service providers, digital platforms, industry and consumers associations, supervisors, consultants, academics. This workshop is not open to press.
You can find more details on the event page.
The workshop took place on 15 December 2020 from 10:00 to 13.00 CET as a closed workshop, by invitation only. The audience included representatives of public authorities, while speakers featured selected RegTech providers and financial institutions. As a follow up to the EBA survey on RegTech circulated over the summer his year, this workshop served to provide further insights into the challenges faced and facilitate the discussion between the stakeholders.
In particular, this event focused on governance processes related to the uptake of RegTech solutions, and a few specific use cases in the area of ICT security and AML/CFT.
The workshop was moderated by Nicola Yiannoulis, Senior Policy Expert, Banking Markets, Innovation and Products Unit at the EBA.

The EBA hosted a virtual event, an industry workshop on the challenges in the adoption of AI, on 29 October 2020 from 10.00 to 12.30 CET.
In light of the recent Digital Finance Strategy of the European Commission, as well as the upcoming EU regulatory framework for AI (expected in 2021), the EBA wishes to continue its ongoing engagement with industry and follow up on specific conclusions of its Big Data and Advanced Analytics report in order to inform upcoming policy discussions. The event focused on data management and ethical aspects, which were identified as prevailing areas in the AI adoption with a potential need for direction. Speakers and panelists discussed the practical challenges in the AI adoption and shared their experiences.
This EBA virtual event brought together the following distinguished speakers and panellists:
- Piers Haben, Director at European Banking Authority (EBA)
- Frédéric Van Weyenbergh, Partner at McKinsey & Company
- Brad Carr, Managing Director at Digital Finance- Institute of International Finance
- Kerem Tomak, Executive VP at Commerzbank
- Cristina San José, Global Head of Models and Data at Banco Santander
- James Tromans, Technical Director at Google
- Nick Lewins, Financial Services Lead, Microsoft Research at Microsoft
- Florian Ostmann, Policy Theme Lead at The Alan Turing Institute
- Henri-Olivier Fliche, Director of the Fintech-Innovation division at Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Resolution (ACPR)
- Joost van der Burgt, Senior Policy Adviser at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
- Anna Curridori, Supervision of Information Systems and Support PFS at Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
- Sonia Perez Romero, Legal Officer at European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
In the context of its FinTech Knowledge Hub, the European Banking Authority (EBA) is pleased to announce its next virtual engagement with the industry, aiming to collect the views of cloud service providers on the upcoming oversight framework as proposed by the European Commission’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).
The workshop will take place on 23 October 2020 from 14.30 to 16.00 CET and it will be a closed workshop, by invitation only. The target audience includes representatives of public authorities (e.g. European Commission, competent authorities, ESMA, EIOPA) and (ii) ICT service providers, members of the FinTech Knowledge Hub.
In light of the recent legislative proposal (DORA), the EBA wishes to continue its ongoing engagement with cloud service providers and follow up on discussions on the role of critical ICT third party providers in ensuring a digital operational resilience across the EU financial sector. In particular, this event will be focusing on the oversight framework proposed for critical ICT third party providers, including the envisaged roles of the ESAs and the competent authorities, the governance mechanism, interaction with relevant stakeholders and the overall conduct of the oversight activities.
The programme of the event will be organised as follows:
- Introduction 14:30 – 14:40
François-Louis Michaud, Executive Director at the European Banking Authority (EBA)
- DORA overview 14:40 – 15:00
Ruxandra Gabriela Adam, Legal and Policy Officer at European Commission (DG FISMA)
- Panel discussion 15:30 – 16:00
- Carlo Comporti, General Director, Promontory Financial Group, LLC, IBM group
- Dave Dadoun, Managing Director, Global Regulatory Compliance, Financial Services, Microsoft
- Ksenia Duxfield-Karyakina, Public Policy and Government Relations Manager, Google Cloud, EMEA
- Maria Tsani, Head of Financial Services Public Policy EMEA, Amazon Web Service.
Slavka Eley, Head of the Banking Markets, Innovation and Products Unit at the EBA
One of the mandates conferred on the EBA, as laid down in Article 9(1)(a) of the EBA Regulation, is to collect, analyse and report on consumer trends. In order to fulfil this mandate, the EBA regularly publishes the Consumer Trends Report (CTR). On 29-30 October 2020, the EBA organised a workshop with national and EU consumer associations in order to feed information in the CTR 2020-21. The event achieved the following objectives:
- allowed the EBA to collect various views from participating consumer associations both on the topical issues covered, including on the topic of digitalisation in retail banking as well as on specific aspects of the standard retail banking products and services within the remit of the EBA;
- allowed the EBA to have a better understanding on the issues that consumer associations had provided in their responses to the questionnaires; and
- allowed consumer associations, which do not have the manpower to provide written comments to the questionnaires of the EBA, to inform EBA of the issues that, in their view, are relevant for consumers in the EU.
For more information please see the Highlights of the event and the EBA’s financial education webpages.
Following on from the publication of the EBA Recommendations on Outsourcing to the Cloud in December 2017, this one day workshop will bring together key stakeholders to discuss the benefits and challenges brought about in implementing the Recommendations for using cloud in financial services. This workshop is for the benefit of competent authorities, cloud service providers and financial institutions (no press allowed) and will be structured around 3 panel discussions with audience participation encouraged.You can find the agenda here. Registration for this event is now closed.
Session 2 - HSBC Cloud - 17 Oct 2018
Session 4 - NY and DB - EBA Recs on cloud and Outsourcing GLs - 17 Oct 18
Session 4 - M Labarile - EC Update - 17 Oct 18 - NON - CONFIDENTIAL VERSION
Session 5 - Cloud BaFin presentation-17 Oct 2018
Session 5 - Cloud CSSF presentation-17 Oct 2018
Session 8 - Roundtable discussion - 17 Oct 18
Speaker biographies
As part of its FinTech Knowledge Hub activities, the EBA will be hosting this webinar to present the key findings and observations of the first product of its FinTech Roadmap – the thematic report on the impact of FinTech on incumbent credit institutions' business models. You can find the invitation to the webinar and agenda here. The webinar participants will also be invited to share their views on how FinTech changes the EU financial sector landscape. Registration for this event is now closed.
The EBA has held a supervisory workshop on APIs in the context of industry preparedness to the application of the Delegated Regulation on strong customer authentication and common and secure communication. This workshop included
demonstrations from a number of European banks of their API platforms for the purpose of sharing payment account customer data with account information service providers, payment initiation service providers and card-based payment instrument issuers. This workshop was aimed at supervisors of competent authorities with payment and PSD2 expertise.
The EBA is keen to gain insights from financial institutions, other FinTech firms and technology providers on the operation of existing schemes and invites registrations for an industry roundtable at the EBA's premises on Monday 3 September (2-4pm).
The roundtable will involve a semi-structured discussion on key issues such as scope, entry and exit criteria, transparency, cross-border cooperation, and other aspects to help facilitate the scaling-up of financial innovations across the EU.
The registration deadline is Friday 10 August. Due to the anticipated interest in this roundtable, please register a maximum of two attendees per firm.