Article 28
- Description
Common Equity Tier 1 instruments
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- Source
- 2013_541 Eligibility of capital instruments for classification as Common Equity Tier 1 instruments when the instruments are supplemented by a contractual obligation of the majority-shareholder to pay a fixed yearly compensation to the minority share
- 2013_543 Eligibility of capital instruments for classification as Common Equity Tier 1 instruments when the instruments are supplemented by a contractual obligation of the majority-holder of those instruments to pay compensation to the minority shar
- 2014_903 Capital eligibility in relation to intragroup guarantees - interpretation of "seniority"
- 2015_1895 Own funds – Share premium accounts
- 2013_24 Anerkennung der Kapitalrücklage "zugehörig zu" deutschen Vorzugsaktien als Kernkapital - Recognition as Tier 1 equity of share premiums related to German preference shares
- 2013_8 Direct / indirect funding of own shares
- 2013_9 Synthetic holdings
- 2017_3521 CET1 Instruments
- 2017_3636 Definition of “Paid-Up” according to Article 28(1)(b) CRR