Article 124
- Description
Exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property
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- Source
- 2013_361 Applicability of the transitional period under Article 124(3) of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013
- 2019_4934 Residential Reverse mortgages RWA
- 2013_94 Applicable risk weights for agricultural properties.
- 2014_936 Reglamento 575/2013 exposiciones garantizadas hipotecas sobre bienes inmuebles/ Exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property
- 2019_4721 Eligibility of mortgage mandates under Belgian law
- 2021_6018 Exposures in default secured by mortgages on residential property
- 2013_65 Immovable property risk weights under the standardised approach (residential)
- 2013_66 Immovable property risk weights under the standardised approach (commercial)
- 2016_2894 Obligation to carry out analysis and to consult with EBA on planned increase of risk weights before RTS on this matter are finally adopted and published in the Official Journal of the European Union
- 2019_4600 Application of national decisions pursuant to Article 124(2) CRR