Article 166
- Description
Exposures to corporates, institutions, central governments and central banks, regional governments, local authorities and public sector entities and retail exposures
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- Source
- 2015_1757 Definition for short-term letters of credit
- 2015_2063 Determination of the exposure at defaul in case of unfunded credit protection
- 2016_2663 Meaning of "credit lines" in the context of conversion factors for certain off-balance sheet items
- 2017_3650 Scope of conversion factor estimation and application
- 2021_6239 Nature and treatment of off-balance financial leasing exposures (generated by the lag between the order of the asset and the rental starting date)
- 2022_6602 Estimation of a conversion factor for binding mortgage offers under the IRB Approach
- 2014_1263 Use of an insitution's own estimates of conversion factors
- 2017_3332 Classification as off-balance sheet items of a committed reverse repo facility or other committed credit facilities where drawing under the facility is conditional upon purchasing or receiving eligible collateral
- 2018_3918 Classification of a commitment to make under certain conditions an indemnity payment for a customer
- 2021_6327 CCF used for commitment performance bond
- 2021_6239 Nature and treatment of off-balance financial leasing exposures (generated by the lag between the order of the asset and the rental starting date)