Article 430
- Description
Reporting on prudential requirements and financial information
- Links
- Source
- Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting changes related to CRR2 and Backstop Regulation
- Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting amendments with regards to COREP, asset encumbrance and G-SIIs
- Implementing Technical Standards on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to ALMM
- 2020_5170 Application of the NPL ratio
- 2023_6737 Definition of domestic for reporting collateral by type
- 2022_6672 NACE reporting in FINREP
- 2022_6673 NACE sector K- 'Financial and insurance activities' in F 06.01
- 2022_6603 Notional amount reported under SA_CCR model
- 2022_6522 Treatment of additional collateral on top of overcollateralization of Covered bond program
- 2022_6523 Treatment of TIPS and IP in AE reporting
- 2022_6350 Interest-income on credit impaired financial assets (template F 16)
- 2023_6694 Overcollateralisation and funded reserved accounts in C 14.01
- 2023_6693 Reporting of securitisation positions when Article 244(1), point (b), CRR is applied
- 2022_6582 C 14.00, columns 0302 and 0303
- 2022_6530 C 34.08 – Reporting of received collateral
- 2022_6512 Scope of the C 08.07 template
- 2021_6300 In template C 34.02, the column Exposure Pre-CRM (column 150) aims to report EAD of all CCR exposures following articles 274 or 281 or 282 (according respective CCR method) and sub-sequent articles defining the effects of margin agreements