Article 449a
- Description
Disclosure of environmental, social and governance risks (ESG risks)
- Links
- Source
- 2022_6508 Template 10: Other climate change mitigating actions - Covered bonds
- 2022_6509 Template 10: Other climate change mitigating actions - Repurchases double counting
- 2022_6515 Maturity reporting for Pillar 3 ESG risks disclosure, Template 1 and 5
- 2022_6517 Multiple collaterals reporting for Pillar 3 ESG risks disclosure, Template 2 and 5
- 2022_6521 Use of Turnover taxonomy eligibility/alignment or Capex taxonomy eligibility/alignment for Pillar 3 Risks ESG disclosures
- 2022_6531 Template 10: Other climate change mitigating actions - Scope of Bonds and Loans
- 2022_6532 Template 2 - Row 5 subset
- 2022_6533 Template 10: other climate change mitigating actions - Columns d and e
- 2022_6537 Template 5 - Definition of time horizons
- 2022_6541 Template 5: Banking book - Climate change physical risk: Exposures subject to physical risks
- 2022_6564 Clarification on summing columns in Template 10 "Other climate change mitigating actions that are not covered in the EU Taxonomy"
- 2023_6897 ITS ESG P3 - Template 2 - Should loan/collateral ratio (loan-to-value) be taken into account?