List of figures

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List of Figures

Source: IMF, May 2024


Source: IMF, May 2024


Source: Commission Forecasts, May 2024


Source: Bloomberg


Source: Bloomberg


Source: ECB


Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 7: EU/EEA banks’ sovereign exposures maturity profile trend (year-end)

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 8: Portfolios which banks, by region, expect to increase/decrease in volumes in the next 12 months *

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 9: Growth expectations for selected asset classes *

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 10a: Growth expectations for lending to households by country

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 10b: Growth expectations for lending to NFCs by country

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 11: Actual and planned asset composition *

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 12: Trend of EU/EEA NPL volumes and ratio, September 2022 to December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 13: NPL cumulative net flows by segment for 2022 and 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 14: NPL ratio by country in December 2023 and p.p. change in NPL ratio QoQ and YoY

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 15a: NPL ratios of loans (at amortised cost) by segment

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 15b: Allocation of stage 2 loans (at amortised cost) by segment

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 16: Banks’ expectations on possible deterioration in asset quality in the next 12 months by segment

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Source: Dealogic, EBA calculations


Figure 18: Cash asset swap (ASW) spreads of banks’ EUR-denominated debt and capital instruments

Source: IHS Markit*


Figure 19: MREL-eligible liabilities, by instrument, and by category of banks, for instruments with residual maturities between one and two years

Source: Reporting on MREL and TLAC


Figure 20a: YoY evolution of the asset encumbrance ratio of total assets and collateral received, numerator (encumbered assets), and denominator (total assets and collateral received that can be encumbered), between December 2014 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 20b: QoQ evolution of the asset encumbrance ratio of total assets and collateral received, numerator (encumbered assets), and denominator (total assets and collateral received that can be encumbered), between December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 21: Evolution of the weighted average asset encumbrance ratio by country, between December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 22: Evolution of the share of the main types of asset encumbrance and total volume of encumbrance, from December 2017 to December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 23a: Non-encumbered assets amount and share of total assets from December 2022 to December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 23b: Non-encumbered assets amount and share of total assets by country as at December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 23c: Non-encumbered assets amount and share of total assets by country as at December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 24: EU/EEA average fair value to carrying amount of non-encumbered debt securities from December 2022 to December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 25: Funding composition 2023 to 2026

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 26: Public sector sources of funding

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 27: Growth expectations for selected liability classes

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 28: Net issuance volume by country and year (short and long-term debt securities)

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 29: Unsecured debt instruments – stock volume

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 30: Unsecured debt issuance and maturing volume

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 31: Secured debt issuance and maturing volume

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 32: EU/EEA banks’ debt and capital instrument issuances, YtD as of 15 June of the years 2022 to 2024 *

Source: Dealogic


Figure 33: LCR and NSFR, actual and forecasts

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 36: CET1 requirements and Pillar 2 Guidance vs CET1 ratio (transitional definition) by country

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 38a: Credit risk – share of different components in exposure amounts over time

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 38b: Credit risk – share of different components in RWAs over time

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 39a: IRB parameter PD for selected exposures classes

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 39b: IRB parameter LGD for selected exposures classes

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 40: RoE and contribution of the main P&L items to the RoE, comparison between December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 41: Evolution of EU/EEA RoA, between December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 42: Year-on-year variation of NII as a percentage of equity, between December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 43: Year-on-year variation of net interest margin by country

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 44: Evolution of cost base on equity, between December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 45a: Banks’ level of engagement with CBDCs for what responding banks define as their home market

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 45b: CBDCs impact as expected by banks for what responding banks define as their home market

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 46a: Interest rates on deposits by segment

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 46b: Interest rates on loans by segment

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 47: Actual and forecasted spread between client loans and client deposits (households and NFCs)

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 48a: Actual and forecasted interest rates for secured debt instruments

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)


Figure 48b: Actual and forecasted interest rates for unsecured debt instruments

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data (funding plan data)

Figure 49: Main drivers of operational risk as seen by banks *

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 50: Number of successful cyber-attacks resulting in ‘major ICT-related incidents’ in the last semi-annual assessment period *

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 51a: Financial crime risks in 2023 (cumulative numbers per month)

Source: EuReCA (EBA’s AML/CFT database)


Figure 51b: Financial crime risks in 2023 (Where do material weaknesses occur?)

Source: EuReCA (EBA’s AML/CFT database)


Figure 51c: Financial crime risks in 2023 (What are the top 5 types of measures?)

Source: EuReCA (EBA’s AML/CFT database)


Figure 51d: Financial crime risks in 2023 (What are the top 5 sectors where material weaknesses are identified?)

Source: EuReCA (EBA’s AML/CFT database)


Source: Green Street


Source: Green Street


Source: BIS Data Portal, ECB Statistical Datawarehouse (SDW), EBA calculations


Figure 53b: Trends in office vs retail prices for selected countries *

Source: BIS Data Portal, ECB Statistical Datawarehouse (SDW), EBA calculations


Figure 54: Share prices of selected European REITs *

Source: S&P Capital IQ


Figure 55: EU/EEA banks’ exposure to loans collateralised by CREs – December 2014 to December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 56: Loans collateralised by CREs and share of loans collateralised by CREs to total NFC and household loans by country – December 2019 and December 2023 *

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 57: Loan collateralised by CREs towards the country of domicile of counterparty – December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 58: Loan-to-value ratios of loans collateralised by CREs by country and total CRE loans – December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 59: Share of outstanding CRE loans repricing in less than 12 months

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 60: Trends in NPL and IFRS 9 stage 2 allocation volumes and ratio of CRE exposures – December 2014 to December 2023 *

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 61: NPL and IFRS 9 stage 2 allocation ratio by country for CRE exposures – December 2022 and December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 62a: Trend NPL inflows/outflows of EU/EEA banks related to CRE exposures

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 62b: NPL inflows/outflows related to CRE exposures by country in 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 63: Asset quality expectations for CRE loans by region

Source: EBA Risk Assessment Questionnaire


Figure 64: Coverage ratios of performing and non-performing CRE loans by country – December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 65: Network of the EA financial system comprising links between the banking sector and other sectors of the economy, December 2023 (the values of the three largest exposures are shown next to the respective arrow in each of the charts) (EUR bn)

Network of the EA financial system comprising links between the banking sector and other sectors of the economy, December 2023 (the values of the three largest exposures are shown next to the respective arrow in each of the charts) (EUR bn)


Figure 66a: EU/EEA banks’ asset exposures to the non-bank sector, as share of total assets, December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 66b: EU/EEA banks’ liability to the non-bank sector (excluding market-based funding), as share of total assets, December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 67: Evolution of EU/EEA banks’ asset exposures to the non-bank sector, as share of total assets, June 2021 to December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 68: Concentration of EU/EEA banks’ asset exposures to the non-bank sector, December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 69a: Composition of main funding counterparties, December 2023 *

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 69b: Funding from NBFI main funding counterparties by product type, December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 70a: Share of loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments given to NBFIs, December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 70b: Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments received from NBFIs, December 2023

Source: EBA supervisory reporting data


Figure 71: Illustrative examples of a bank’s and a private credit provider’s business and how they are linked

Illustrative examples of a bank’s and a private credit provider’s business and how they are linked

Source: EBA, using, for instance, anecdotal evidence, EBA Transparency Exercise data and further market research/analysis