Integrated and consistent reporting system
The EBA is mandated in accordance with Article 430c of the CRR to prepare a feasibility study for the development of a consistent and integrated reporting system system for collecting statistical, resolution and prudential data, as well as to involve the relevant authorities in the preparation of the study.
The EBA main’s objective when developing the feasibility study is to identify the feasibility of various ways to streamline the reporting process and increase efficiencies going forward.
This page provides an overview of this project and contains all the materials related to the various stages of the study.

Joint Bank Reporting Committee (JBRC)
The European Central Bank (ECB) and the EBA aim to harmonise and integrate data reporting by the banking industry with the goal of improving efficiency and reducing the associated costs. To this end, the two institutions established on the 18 March 2024, via a Memorandum of Understanding, the Joint Bank Reporting Committee (JBRC), which is tasked with helping to develop common definitions and standards for the data that banks are required to report for statistical, supervisory and resolution purposes. The JBRC will involve all relevant EU bodies, as well as national authorities and banking industry representatives.

Next steps:
- Set up the JBRC (expected in 2024 Q2)
- A call for participants in the Reporting Contact Group (RCG) was launched on 3 July 2024, as indicated in the Memorandum of Understanding.
Additional details are available in the Charter of the JBRC.
Call for expression of interest for members of the Reporting Contact Group (RCG)
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Franca Rosa Congiu