According to In Articles 8 and 93 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014 (the draft RTS on Own Funds), what is the amount to be deducted / not to be considered eligible. If a subscription/acquisition of the institution's shares has been financed by it, what should be the impact and by which amount? There are two possibilities:A) The amount of the funding/loan granted is to be deducted from CET1 items (irrespective of the current accounting value of the shares acquired).B) The "# of shares subscribed/acquired" times the "per share accounting amount of total equity" is not to be given recognition as a positive item of CET1In case the instruments are not given recognition, what is the amount not to give recognition:A) Amount of the funding given to buy the shares (at the market value); or,B) Corresponding accounting amount of the shares bought (which is different from A if the book value is different from the market capitalization of the institution)?Example:An institution issues capital at par, i.e., book value per share = 100 and market value per share = 100.The share drops in price and is now valued at 80 (new market price). However, this market devaluation does not have a correspondence in the accounting value which remains at 100.The institution finances a customer to buy 2 shares, so finances with 160.Questions1) Should the institution not recognize as a positive item: 160 (funding given to buy the 2 shares) or 200 (accounting value of the 2 shares whose purchase was financed by the institution)2) In the example the credit to the issuer is higher than the stock financed and the share increases in value. What amount has to be considered?3) In the example above, there is collateral posted. What amount has to be considered? Does the treatment change depending on whether the collateral is junior or senior to the delivery of the own shares?4) In the example above, there is impairment associated with the funding provided (though this one is broadly covered in the article). What is the treatment when the funding provided is higher than the share bought)?
- Legal act: Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR)
- COM Delegated or Implementing Acts/RTS/ITS/GLs: Not applicable