- Question ID
- Legal act
- Directive 2015/2366/EU (PSD2)
- Topic
- Fraud reporting
- Article
- Paragraph
- COM Delegated or Implementing Acts/RTS/ITS/GLs/Recommendations
- EBA/GL/2018/05 - Guidelines on fraud reporting under PSD2 (amended by EBA/GL/2020/01)
- Article/Paragraph
Guideline 7.6
- Type of submitter
Competent authority
- Subject matter
Reporting of PISP transactions
- Question
Should payment initiation service provider (PISP) initiated payments be reported under both Table A (1.1) and Table H (8.x)? More specifically how should these transactions be reported where the customer initiates a payment via a PISP, from their bank account, to one of their payees flagged in the bank’s online channel as “trusted beneficiaries” (Article 13 of the RTS on SCA&CSC).
- Background on the question
We would very much appreciate your support on the recording of PISP initiated payments.
In principle, PISP initiated payments should be reported by both the ASPSP, under Table A (1.1), and by the PISP that has initiated the transaction, under Table H (see GL 7.6).
- Submission date
- Final publishing date
- Final answer
In accordance with Guidelines 7.5 and 7.6 of the EBA Guidelines on fraud reporting under PSD2 (EBA/GL/2018/05) as amended by the EBA Guidelines EBA/GL/2020/01, payment initiation services providers (PISPs) should report the executed payment transactions and fraudulent transactions they initiated in accordance with Data Breakdown H in Annex 2 of the Guidelines.
In addition, credit transfers should also be reported by the account servicing payment service provider (ASPSP) that executed the respective credit transfer in accordance with Guidelines 2.12 and 7.9, under the Data Breakdown A in Annex 2 of these Guidelines.
In the submitter’s example, a credit transfer initiated by a PISP, that is subject to the exemption from strong customer authentication under Article 13 of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 should be reported:
- by the ASPSP that executed the credit transfer in accordance with the Data Breakdown A in Annex 2 of the Guidelines (under the rows 1 (Credit transfers); 1.1 (Of which initiated by payment initiation service providers); 1.3 (Of which Initiated electronically); 1.3.1 (Of which initiated via remote payment channel) (assuming the payment is initiated via a remote payment channel); (Of which authenticated via non-strong customer authentication); (Trusted beneficiary (Art.13 of the Delegated Regulation)); and
- by the PISP that initiated the transaction in accordance with the Data Breakdown H in Annex 2 of the Guidelines.
- Status
Final Q&A
- Answer prepared by
Answer prepared by the EBA.
The Q&A refers to the provisions in force on the day of their publication. The EBA does not systematically review published Q&As following the amendment of legislative acts. Users of the Q&A tool should therefore check the date of publication of the Q&A and whether the provisions referred to in the answer remain the same.