Regulatory activity Under consultation Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting concerning operational risk
Regulatory activity Under development Implementing Technical Standards on public disclosures by institutions of the information on operational risk
Regulatory activity Under consultation Technical standards on the new Business Indicator framework for operational risk
Regulatory activity Adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU Regulatory Technical Standards on assessment methodologies for the use of AMAs for operational risk
Regulatory activity Adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU Regulatory Technical Standards on resolution planning
Regulatory activity Adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU Regulatory Technical Standards on the content of recovery plans
Regulatory activity Adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU Regulatory Technical Standards on the conditions for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes of internal approaches for credit, market and operational risk
Regulatory activity Final and translated into the EU official languages Guidelines on the management of operational risk in market-related activities
Regulatory activity Final and translated into the EU official languages Guidelines on operational risk mitigation techniques
Regulatory activity Final and translated into the EU official languages Guidelines on AMA extensions and changes
Regulatory activity Final and translated into the EU official languages Guidelines on the implementation, validation and assessment of Advanced Measurement (AMA) and Internal Ratings Based (IRB) Approaches