OPER IT CA 07 2015 IT Technical Support Specialist FG IV.pdf
OPER IT CA 07 2015 IT Technical Support Specialist FG IV
OPER IT CA 07 2015 IT Technical Support Specialist - Eligibility criteria grid.docx
OPER IT CA 07 2015 IT Technical Support Specialist - Eligibility criteria grid
Guidelines on the range of scenarios to be used in recovery plans
Public hearing on CP on on Joint GL for the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector
EBA-GL-2015-11_EN_GL on creditworthiness.pdf
EBA-GL-2015-11_EN_GL on creditworthiness
Letter from Jonathan Faull to Andrea Enria re Call for Advice NSFR LR.PDF
Letter Jonathan Faull to Andrea Enria re Call for Advice NSFR LR
EBA-GL-2015-12_EN_GL on arrears and foreclosure
EBA-GL-2015-12_GL on arrears and foreclosure
150813 Letter to Jonathan Faull re call for advice on NSFR and LR.pdf
Letter to Jonathan Faull re call for advice on NSFR and LR
Call for advice.pdf
Call for advice
Guidelines on creditworthiness assessment
EBA to conduct further analysis on Net Stable Funding Requirements and Leverage Ratio
The European Banking Authority (EBA) informed today that it will incorporate additional analysis into its calibration reports on Net Stable Funding Requirements and Leverage Ratio. The announcement follows a request by the European Commission (EC) to obtain further advice so as to ensure its possible future policy actions in this area are well informed.
Frauds and scams
Discussion paper on PRIIPs key information documents
BoA 2015 - 001 (Decision Onix v EIOPA).pdf
BoA 2015 - 001 (Decision Onix v EIOPA)
EBA-Op-2015-15 Opinion on protected arrangements.pdf
EBA-Op-2015-15 Opinion on protected arrangements
EBA publishes technical advice on protected arrangements in a resolution situation
The European Banking Authority (EBA) issued today its Opinion on how to define what arrangements should be protected in a partial property transfer in resolution. The Opinion ensures full protection of well-established sources of refinancing such as secured debt, including securities lending and covered bonds, and of means of risk mitigation. The Opinion is issued today in response to a request for advice from the European Commission and it will inform its delegated acts on the classes of arrangements to be protected in a partial transfer of the property of a bank under resolution.
EBA outlines its upcoming initiatives for the regulation of retail payments
The EBA announced today that it is getting ready to develop requirements that will harmonise regulatory and supervisory practices to ensure secure, easy and efficient payment services across the EU. The EBA will do so by fulfilling mandates under the upcoming revised Payments Services Directive (PSD2) and the Interchange Fee Regulation (IFR). It has also issued final Guidelines for the security of internet payments that are applicable from 1 August 2015.
Board of Appeal of the ESAs dismisses appeal by Romanian insurer against EIOPA decision
The Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) has ruled against an appeal by Onix Asigurari SA, a Romanian insurer, on a decision by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).
EBA Guideline 2015 01-Compliance Table-GLs on national provisional lists of the most representative services.pdf
EBA Guideline 2015 01-Compliance Table-GLs on national provisional lists of the most representative services