Eligibility and selection criteria grid - Junior Bank Expert (Home Host Support) - Ref. CLOV TA 16/2012
Eligibility and selection criteria grid - Junior Bank Expert (Home Host Support) - Ref. CLOV TA 16/2012
Eligibility and selection criteria grid - Junior Bank Sector Analyst (Ref. CLOV TA 17/2012)
European Banking Authority Guidelines - Guidelines on Stressed Value At Risk (Stressed VaR) (EBA/GL/2012/2)
European Banking Authority Guidelines - Guidelines on the Incremental Default and Migration Risk Charge (IRC) (EBA/GL/2012/3)
European Banking Authority Guidelines related material - Compliance table (EBA/GL/2012/2)
European Banking Authority Discussion Paper - Discussion Paper on a template for recovery plans (EBA DP 2012 2)
Joint Committee Consultation Paper related material - Comments template (JC/CP/2012/01)
Joint Committee Consultation Paper - Joint Consultation Paper on its proposed response to the European Commission’s Call for Advice on the Fundamental Review of the Financial Conglomerates Directive (JC/CP/2012/01)
Joint Committee publication - Comments Template on EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Joint Consultation Paper (JC CP 2012 01) on its proposed response to the European Commission Call for Advice on the fundamental Review of the Financial Conglomerates Directive
Spanish Homebuilders Assocation's (APCE) comments on the FIEC's draft position on CRD IV
European Banking Authority questionnaire - Questionnaire on the identification of users/investors' need on credit institutions' Pillar 3 disclosures (Deutsche Bank response)
European Banking Authority questionnaire - Questionnaire on the identification of users/investors' need on credit institutions' Pillar 3 disclosures (Deutsche Bank cover note)
European Banking Authority questionnaire - Questionnaire on the identification of users/investors' need on credit institutions' Pillar 3 disclosures (Moody's response)
European Banking Authority questionnaire - Questionnaire on the identification of users/investors' need on credit institutions' Pillar 3 disclosures (Standard & Poor's response)