Consultation on Guidelines on templates to assist competent authorities in performing their supervisory duties regarding issuers’ compliance under MiCAR

  • Consultation
  • 15 JULY - 15 OCTOBER 2024
  • EBA/CP/2024/15


Responses to the consultations can be sent to the EBA.

All contributions received will be published after the consultation closes, unless requested otherwise.

Deadline for submitting responses: 15/10/2024 at 23:59


Consultation Paper on draft Guidelines on reporting on ARTs and EMTs

(439.21 KB - PDF)

Annex I - Reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTs - templates

(43.58 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)

Annex II - Reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTs - instructions

(93.59 KB - Word Document)

Annex III - Reporting for crypto-asset service providers - templates

(24.36 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)

Annex IV - Reporting for crypto-asset service providers - instructions

(55.44 KB - Word Document)

Annex V - DPM and validation rules

(26.42 KB - Word Document)