Consultation on the Data Point Model related to the Technical Standards on Supervisory Reporting Requirements for Leverage Ratio

  • Consultation
  • 13 MAY 2013
  • EBA/CP/2013/03

The EBA published today a draft Data Point Model (DPM) based on its draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Supervisory Reporting Requirements for Leverage Ratio. Interested parties are invited to provide comments on the DPM by 13 May 2013.

In order to assist a uniform implementation of the ITS on supervisory reporting requirements for institutions, the data items included in the consultation EBA/CP/2012/06 have been translated into a DPM. This also includes the updates to the templates and instructions as published on 20 December 2012. The DPM is a structured representation of the data, identifying all the business concepts and its relations, as well as validation rules. It contains all the relevant technical specifications necessary for developing an IT reporting solution.

The EBA has developed these draft ITS and the DPM based on the proposed CRR/CRDIV legislation. When finalising the draft ITS, the DPM will be adapted to reflect the final CRR/CRDIV text as well as the feedback received.

Consultation process

EBA invites comments on the attached documentation of the DPM, and in particular on what regards the semantic content of the DPM, i.e. the proposed categorisation of the data points/template cells, which should adequately and unequivocally reflect the meaning of the business concepts found on the underlying regulations and templates.

Comments regarding matters put forward in consultation EBA/CP/2012/06 will not be processed here.


German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC)

(57.25 KB - PDF) Last update 26 February 2014

Consultation Paper

(197.07 KB - PDF) Last update 26 February 2014

British Bankers Association (BBA)

(88.73 KB - PDF) Last update 26 February 2014

Annex II

(17.2 KB - Excel Spreadsheet) Last update 26 February 2014

Annex I

(132.47 KB - Excel Spreadsheet) Last update 26 February 2014