Single Rulebook Q&A

Stakeholders can submit questions on the practical application or implementation of the banking, payment services, AML/CFT and other legislation that falls within the EBA’s remit. This includes the associated delegated and implementing acts, RTS, ITS, guidelines and recommendations.  


In February 2022 the EBA adjusted its Single Rulebook Q&A process to ensure that questions are answered within a reasonable time. The admissibility criteria have been adjusted to prioritise Q&As that: are relevant to a broad set of stakeholders; concern a material matter from a prudential, payments, consumer protection, resolution or other perspective within the EBA’s remit; and need EBA guidance or clarification.



Please note: From 25.5.2021 you need a user account in order to submit a Q&A.

When following 'Submit a question', you will be asked to enter your login details, if you already have an account, or you can create one as ‘public user’ (or as an ‘extranet user’, in case you work for an EEA competent authority or an observer organisation in the EBA).