During the validation of the C13 and C05.02 (Corep own funds and leverage, consolidated on prudential basis we obtained a validation), performed by our regulator, we obtained a validation error that is incorrect, namely: v3694_s Sign C 05.02 (010;020;090) (020;030;040;060) {C 05.02} >= 0 do not run rule The correction in C05.02 does not only reflect the temporary inclusion of subordinated loans which don’t fulfill the requirements of CRR / CRD IV, but should also reflect the temporary transfer of old-style hybrids to AT1 in a phased approach. When the old-style hybrid instruments fulfill the conditions to be recognized as Tier 2 capital under CRR/CRD IV, these instruments are taken into account in the fully loaded reporting as reflected on line {C01.00,r760,c010). However in a phased-in calculation, which is reported under the transitional measures, these instruments can temporarily still be recognized as Additional Tier 1 instrument. Therefore, the transitional adjustment related to Tier 2 will imply a decrease of Tier 2 capital and recognition as Additional Tier 1 capital (in 2014 only 20% remain in T2 and 80% will be transferred to AT1, in 2015 40% will stay in T2 and 60% will receive recognition as AT1, …) and thus the correction to be made to Tier 2 is negative. v0532_m: (c190) = (c200) + (c210) + (c220) + (c230) + (c240) + (c250) + (c260) + (c270) + (c280) + (c290) + (c300) + (c310) + (c320) + (c330) + (c350) + (c370) [[C 13.00 (r010-150;170-540)]] (1 error(s)) We assume that validation check in table C13 on field W51 (Exposure value subject to risk weights) is erroneous. The value in this field should totalize all exposure values in the fields from X51 till AI51 (ratings based method) plus AJ51 (unrated), AK51 (supervisory formula), AM51 (look- through) and AO51 (internal assessment approach). It’s however impossible to meet this requirement, since the fields from AK51 till AQ51 are blocked.
- Legal act: Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR)
- COM Delegated or Implementing Acts/RTS/ITS/GLs: Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 - ITS on supervisory reporting of institutions (repealed)