Our question is related to COREP template C 03.00. How to fill in lines 080, 100 and 120 (Target CET1, T1 and total capital ratios due to Pillar II adjustments) of this template is not entirely clear for us.When a jurisdiction requests a capital conservation buffer of 2.5 % that is applicable to all banks subject to own funds requirements on top of minimum own funds requirements of 4.5%, 6% and 8% defined under CRR Article 92, shall this buffer be reflected in Target CET, T1 and Total Capital leading to respectively 7%, 8.5% and 10,5%?When a bank has an institution-specific buffer of 2.25%, shall this buffer be reflected in all target ratios, in Target CET1 only, or in none?In the end, if both of the buffers mentioned in 1) and 2) are imposed, which of following options a) to f) is the one to be applied?target CET1, T1 and TC of respectively 4.5,%, 6% and 8% (capital buffer and institution-specific buffer not taken into account)target CET1, T1 and TC of respectively 7%, 8.5% and 10.5% (capital buffer common to all banks of 2.5% taken into account)target CET1, T1 and TC of respectively 6.75,%, 6% and 8% (capital buffer not taken into account and institution-specific buffer only reflected in CET1)target CET1, T1 and TC of respectively 6.75,%, 8.25% and 10.25% (capital buffer not taken into account and institution specific buffer reflected in CET1, T1 and TC)target CET1, T1 and TC of respectively 9.25,%, 8.5% and 10.5% (capital buffer taken into account and institution specific buffer reflected in CET1 only)target CET1, T1 and TC of respectively 9.25,%, 10.75% and 12.75% (capital buffer taken into account and institution specific buffer reflected in CET1, T1 and TC)Following the requirement of a NCA that the reporting institution should maintain a specific CET 1 capital ratio, after the Supervisory review and evaluation process, what figure should banking institutions report in own funds template C 04.00, row 820 as ‘own funds requirements related to Pillar II adjustments’?
- Legal act: Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR)
- COM Delegated or Implementing Acts/RTS/ITS/GLs: Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 - ITS on supervisory reporting of institutions (repealed)