Portfolio 1.5 (equity variance swap) - In the formula for realised variance in Annex V, the summation index i goes from 1 to n-1. That is not how standard booking works, where the index should start at 0 not 1. Portfolio 1.15 (knock-out currency option) - In the table (page 5) of Annex V it states 'cash settled' while in appendix 2.4 it states that settlement = deliverable which we interpret as physically settled. Could you clarify? Also which currency to settle in if it is settled in cash? Portfolio 1.18 (oil put option) - Annex V is somewhat ambiguous on which contract month to use for the underlying (currently we use Feb16) and to set the strike (currently we use May16). Could you confirm? Portfolio 1.10 (Contradiction between general instructions and term sheet) - Under trade 1.10 “Seller of an OTC receiver swaption” - there is ambiguity whether the premium should be included or excluded from the valuation. The term sheet requires premium as payable at expiry although the general regulatory instructions indicate that premiums should be excluded. Can you please clarify how premiums should be treated? Portfolios 1.10, 1.30 and 1.32 - Can you please confirm whether the swaption #10 should be booked as cash settled or physically settled? Portfolio 1.20 - When firms calculate the IMV on the 26th Oct, do they have to use the same FX rates as of the 15th Oct to convert the USD bond to EUR? Same question applies for the VaR calculation in December. Common instructions - Should firms assume LDN close unless explicitly stated when market data were referenced (e.g. “strike = 3m forward exchange rate as end of day 15 Oct 2015") given that evaluation time is LDN close? Common instructions - Reporting currency - For templates covered by Annex V, firms are asked to disclose positions against EUR, USD etc. In terms of the instrument/position-booking values, are the EBA expecting firms to provide in the actual transaction currency requested i.e. EUR, USD etc or should they convert to local (for instance for UK headquartered firms to GBP)? Firms currently submit all existing CoRep returns in local currency (GBP) as systems used by national authorities only accept local base currency (GBP) values. If firms must submit in local currency, will the EBA take care of the conversion?
- Legal act: Directive 2013/36/EU (CRD)
- COM Delegated or Implementing Acts/RTS/ITS/GLs: Draft ITS on Supervisory Reporting of Institutions (for benchmarking the internal approaches)