We have 2 validation rules v2817_m & v2823_m that can't be solved between the Finrep conso & AE-CON conso reportings.For the Debt securities sum({F 32.01, r040, (c010, c060)}) = sum({F 01.01, c010, (r080, r094, r120, r160, r173, r177, r190, r220, r232, r236)}) [v2817_m] checks the total of debt securities in the Finrep with total of debt securities reported in AE F32.01 There are additional checks on details;For Central govs:if {F 00.01, r010,c010} = [IFRS] then sum({F 32.01, r070, (c010, c060)}) = {F 04.01, r080,c010} + {F 04.02, r080,c010} + {F 04.03, r080,c030} + sum({F 04.04, c060, (r030, r170)}) [v2818_m]For Financial corporations:if {F 00.01, r010,c010} = [IFRS] then sum({F 32.01, r080, (c010, c060)}) = sum({F 04.01, c010, (r090-100)}) + sum({F 04.02, c010, (r090-100)}) + sum({F 04.03, c030, (r090-100)}) + sum({F 04.04, c060, (r040-050, r180-190)}) [v2819_m]For corporations:if {F 00.01, r010,c010} = [IFRS] then sum({F 32.01, r090, (c010, c060)}) = {F 04.01, r110,c010} + {F 04.02, r110,c010} + {F 04.03, r110,c030} + sum({F 04.04, c060, (r060, r200)}) [v2820_m] In the Finrep report the covered bonds & asset backed securities are reported in 1 of the 3 above categories while in the Asset encumbrance tables these types of securities are part of a separate category. Those rules doesn't allow Banks to report anything in the AE for covered bonds and asset backed securities …Other assets sum({F 32.01, r120, (c010, c060)}) = sum({F 01.01, c010, (r020, r060, r092, r240-260, r290, r320-330, r360-370)}) [v2823_m] doesn't contain PPE and goodwill. Then total of assets in asset encumbrance can't be reconciled with total asset in the Finrep. We considered the following check as a control that both amounts are more or less aligned: {F 36.01.c, r230,c180} ≡ {F 01.01, r380,c010}
- Legal act: Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR)
- COM Delegated or Implementing Acts/RTS/ITS/GLs: Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 - ITS on supervisory reporting of institutions (repealed)