Final Report on draft RTS and ITS on information exchange between the competent authorities of home and host Member States.pdf
Final draft RTS and ITS on information exchange between the competent authorities of home and host Member States
Final draft RTS and ITS on information exchange between the competent authorities of home and host Member States
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today final draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) and Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on cooperation and information exchange between competent authorities involved in prudential supervision of investment firms. These draft standards, developed in consultation with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), provide a solid framework for (i) cooperation in the supervision of investment firm groups through colleges of supervisors and (ii) for information exchange for investment firms operating within the EU through branches or the free provision of services. These draft standards are part of the phase 2 mandates of the EBA roadmap on investment firms, and aim at improving cooperation and information exchanges between the supervisors of investment firms.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today two public consultations on regulatory technical standards (RTS) and Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on cooperation and information exchange between competent authorities involved in prudential supervision of investment firms. These draft standards provide a solid framework for (i) cooperation in the supervision of investment firm groups though colleges of supervisors and (ii) for information exchange for investment firms operating through branches or the free provision of services. These draft standards are part of the phase 2 mandates of the EBA roadmap on investment firms, and aim at improving cooperation and information exchanges between the supervisors of investment firms. Both consultations run until 23 April 2021.
Consultation Paper on draft RTS and ITS on information exchange for investment firms
Consultation Paper on draft RTS and ITS on passport notification
Report on the peer review of the RTS on passport notifications
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today the final peer review Report on the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the information to be notified when exercising the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services for credit institutions. The Report, which summarises the main findings of the peer review exercise, showed that competent authorities have developed consistent and robust procedures to comply with the RTS requirements although the level of sophistication of these processes varies across Member States. The EBA has, therefore, identified some best practices, which might be beneficial to address some of the identified weaknesses.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) publishes today its final Guidelines on the supervision of significant branches. Prompted by the increasing demand to establish branches across the European Union, these Guidelines are designed to facilitate cooperation and coordination between the Competent Authorities involved in the prudential supervision of significant branches of EU institutions established in another Member State. In particular, these Guidelines will facilitate cooperation and coordination of supervision of the largest and systemically important branches, the so-called ‘significant-plus’ branches.
BSG reponse to Consultation Paper on Supervision of significant branches (EBA CP 2016 24 ) - 20 March 2017
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a consultation on its draft Guidelines on the supervision of significant branches. Prompted by the increasing demand to establish branches across the European Union, these Guidelines are designed to facilitate cooperation and coordination between the Competent Authorities (CAs). They will assist them in supervising the largest systemically important branches, the so-called “significant-plus” branches, which require intensified supervision.