Eligibility criteria grid - TA - AD 5.pdf
PRSP LILLAC TA 3-2022 Repl - Policy Expert (Loss Absorbency).pdf
Joint ESAs conference on financial education 2022 Session 1 Presentation Ms Messy - OECD-INFE.pdf
Joint ESAs conference on financial education 2022 Session 2 Presentation Mr Sileris - EC3 Europol.pdf
Joint ESAs conference on financial education 2022 Session 3 Presentation Prof Lusardi - GWU.pdf
Joint ESAs conference on financial education 2022 Session 4 Prof Alexander presentation EBA Conference.pdf
Board of Supervisors meeting
Public Hearing on High Earner/Benchmarking remuneration data collections
Thursday 17 February 2022 14:00 – 15:30 CET VIA CONFERENCE CALL (DIAL-IN DETAILS WILL BE PROVIDED AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE on Monday 14 February 16:00 CET)Public Hearing on Supervisory Benchmarking ITS 2023.pdf
Joint ESAs financial education conference 2022 - highlights.pdf
Highlights of the event
EBA GL 2021 15 - GLs on cooperation and information exchange between prudential supervisors AML CFT supervisors and financial in.xlsx
EBA GL 2021 12 - GLs on a common assessment methodology for granting authorisation as a credit institution under Article 8(5) o.xlsx
EBA makes adjustments to the Single Rulebook Q&A process
The European Banking Authority (EBA), in agreement with the European Commission, is adjusting the Single Rulebook Q&A process to ensure that questions are answered efficiently and within a reasonable time. In addition to these adjustments, other measures are taken to overcome a backlog of older questions received through the Q&A tool prior to 1 January 2020 when the Q&A process was updated as part of the last ESAs Review.
EBA issues an Opinion on the European Commission’s proposed amendments to the EBA final draft technical standards on fixed overheads requirements
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an Opinion on the amendments proposed by the European Commission as regards the EBA final draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) specifying the methodology for calculating the fixed overheads requirements for investment firms in the context of the implementation of the Investment Firms Regulation (IFR). Despite having identified a substantive change in the Commission’s version of the RTS, the EBA considers the amendments continue to strike a good balance between the flexibility and risk sensitivity required for the calculation of the fixed overheads requirement and the need for a harmonised regulatory framework.
Art 10 letter RTS FOR v7 (1).pdf
Art 10 letter RTS FOR - Draft RTS on FOR.pdf
Final minutes - 28 September 2021 MB conference call.pdf
Draft amended RTS on FOR.pdf
Draft amended RTS on FOR
EBA Opinion on modified RTS on FOR.pdf
Opinion on the European Commission’s amendments relating to the final draft Regulatory Technical Standards for own funds requirements for investment firms