EBA response to Consultation Paper (EBA-CP-2015-10) - 13 August 2015.pdf
EBA response to Consultation Paper (EBA-CP-2015-10) - 13 August 2015
EBA response to Consultation Paper (EBA-CP-2015-10) - 13 August 2015
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today two reports on the consistency of RWAs across large EU institutions for large corporate, sovereign and institutions’ IRB portfolios, (collectively referred to as “low default portfolios” - LDP), as well as for the calculation of counterparty credit risk (CCR) exposures under the Internal Model Method (IMM) and the credit value adjustments (CVA) according to the advanced approach (ACVA). The reports summarise the findings obtained from two benchmarking exercises conducted in line with the mandate laid down in the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) and related draft technical standards. The benchmarking exercises aim at improving the comparability of EU banks’ RWAs and are a crucial tool to restoring trust in internal models.
REG CREMOP TA 07 2015 R Policy Expert OR - Eligibility grid
REG CREMOP TA 07 2015 R Policy Expert AD 7 (Operational risk and quantitative policy)
Final report on Guidelines on passport notifications for credit intermediaries under the MCD (EBA-GL-2015-19)
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final Guidelines on passport notifications for mortgage credit intermediaries in support of the transposition of the Mortgage Credit Directive (MCD). The Guidelines will ensure that information about credit intermediaries carrying out business in more than one Member State is exchanged consistently between national authorities.
BSG response to Consultation Paper (EBA-CP-2015-08) - 7 August 2015
Guidelines on the sale of business tool (EBA-GL-2015-04)
Guidelines on the asset separation tool_EN (EBA-GL-2015-05)
GL on failing or likely to fail_EN_(EBA-GL-2015-07)
GL on the minimum list of services (EBA-GL-2015-06_EN)
EBA-CP-2015-14 (CP on RTS on CVA exemption)