Staff paper - The Calibration of the IRB Supervisory Formula.pdf
Staff paper - The Calibration of the IRB Supervisory Formula
EBA Staff paper on the regulatory framework for market risk and prudent valuation.pdf
EBA Staff paper on the regulatory framework for market risk and prudent valuation during COVID19
EBA staff paper - Legal force of EBA Handbook.pdf
EBA staff paper - Legal force of EBA Handbook
A universal stress scenario approach for capitalising NMRF.pdf
A universal stress scenario approach for capitalising NMRF
Testing capacity of the EU banking sector to finance the transition to a sustainable economy.pdf
Testing capacity of the EU banking sector to finance the transition to a sustainable economy
Window dressing systemic importance.pdf
Window dressing systemic importance
Digital currencies in financial networks.pdf
Digital currencies in financial networks
Potential obstacles M&A.pdf
Potential regulatory obstacles to cross-border and acquisitions in the EU banking sector
Sustainable finance Market practices.pdf
Sustainable finance Market practices
Applying the Pre-Commitment Approach to bottom up stress tests a new old story.pdf
Applying the Pre-Commitment Approach to bottom up stress tests a new old story