EBA consults on technical standards to help originator institutions determine the exposure value of synthetic excess spread in securitisations

​​​​​​​The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a public consultation on its draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the determination by originator institutions of the exposure value of synthetic excess spread (SES) in securitisations.  The Capital Markets Recovery Package (CMRP) amended the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) in several aspects, including a preferential treatment for senior tranches of simple, transparent and standardised (STS) on-balance-sheet securitisations. It also introduced a provision on how to determine the exposure value of SES in synthetic securitisations. The proposals set out in this Consultation Paper will contribute to a more risk sensitive prudential framework in the area of synthetic securitisation. The consultation runs until 14 October 2022.

EBA updates data on deposit guarantee schemes across the European Economic Area

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published 2021 extended data related to two key concepts and indicators in the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive (DGSD), namely available financial means (AFMs) and covered deposits. The EBA publishes these data on a yearly basis to enhance the transparency and public accountability of DGSs across the EEA to the benefit of depositors, markets, policymakers, DGSs and Members States.

EBA updates version 5.2 of its filing rules for supervisory reporting

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an updated version of its 5.2 filing rules document for supervisory reporting. In particular, the update modifies rule 3.6 to redefine the condition to apply the new reporting subject and to explicitly instruct the usage of entity types to indicate aggregate levels in the reporting subject of an aggregate reporting document.

The EBA responds to the public consultations on sustainability-related disclosure standards launched by the International Sustainability Standards Board and the  European Financial Reporting Advisory Group

​​​​​​​The European Banking Authority (EBA) submitted today its responses to the consultations of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) on sustainability-related disclosure standards. The EBA welcomes these consultations and agrees with the need to introduce international and European standards in response to the growing demand for relevant, reliable and comparable corporate data on sustainability-related matters, and the need for a close cooperation between the ISSB and EFRAG during the finalisation of their own consultations, so as to ensure consistency. The EBA also aims at ensuring consistency between the requirements applicable to institutions under the EFRAG framework and under the Pillar 3 framework.

EBA launches call for candidates to expand its reserve list for the Banking Stakeholder Group

​​​​​​​The European Banking Authority (EBA) today launched a call for interest to expand its reserve list of candidates who can be appointed in the current Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG) when a vacancy arises.  The EBA is expanding the existing reserve list so as to fulfil its needs until the end of the current BSG mandate on 30 June 2024. The deadline for application is 16 September 2022 no later than 23.59 CET.

EBA publishes its final guidelines on the criteria for the exemption of investment firms from liquidity requirements in accordance with Investment Firms Regulation 

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final guidelines on the criteria for the exemption of small and non-interconnected investment firms from the liquidity requirements in accordance with the Investment Firms Regulation (IFR). These Guidelines ensure that all competent authorities granting this exemption follow the same harmonised approach, while preserving the IFR general objective of maintaining the prudential requirements proportional to the size and complexity of the smaller investment firms. 

EBA consults on revised Guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to deposit guarantee schemes

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a public consultation on its draft revised Guidelines on deposit guarantee schemes (DGS) contributions. The revised Guidelines aim at enhancing the proportionality between the risk of a credit institution and its contributions to the DGS and at streamlining and simplifying the original Guidelines. The consultation runs until 31 October 2022.

EBA consults on its draft technical standards on homogeneity of underlying exposures in simple, transparent and standardised securitisations

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a public consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) specifying the criteria for the underlying exposures in securitisation to be deemed homogeneous. Such specification is part of the requirements under the Securitisation Regulation and as amended by the Capital Markets Recovery Package (CMRP). The homogeneity requirement aims to facilitate the assessment of underlying risks in a pool of underlying exposures and to enable investors to perform robust due diligence. The consultation runs until 28 October 2022.

EBA consults on supervisory handbook for the validation of internal ratings based systems

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a consultation on its supervisory handbook for the validation of internal ratings based systems. This handbook clarifies the role of the validation function as part of corporate governance, in particular in terms of scope of work and interaction with the credit risk control unit. The consultation runs until 28 October 2022.

ESAs' Board of Appeal dismisses case against EBA on alleged non-application of Union law regarding payment services

The Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, in the appeal brought by “C” against the EBA unanimously, decided on 21 July 2022 to dismiss the appeal as inadmissible in accordance with Article 60 (2) of the EBA Regulation. The Board of Appeal concluded that the appeal was directed against a decision of the EBA which was not challengeable. The Board of Appeal saw no reason to deviate this appeal from the precedent Board of Appeal cases and also from both the SV Capital OÜ rulings by the General Court and the CJEU rulings.

EBA analyses the use of specific exemptions included in the large exposures regime

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a Report on the use of some exemptions included in the large exposures regime. The Report analyses banks’ use of the various exemptions from different perspectives and quantifies the impact of a potential removal of individual exemptions. Overall, the Report shows that some of the assessed exemptions are widely used across the EU and their removal would have a material impact while other exemptions are widely used across the EU but their removal would not have material impact. In addition, some exemptions are relevant only for some countries or appear to be rarely used.

EBA launches discussion on 2023 EU-wide stress test methodology

​​​​​​​The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its 2023 EU-wide stress test draft methodology, templates and template guidance, which will be discussed with the industry. The methodology covers all risk areas and builds on the one prepared for the 2021 EU wide stress test. Some aspects of the methodology have been improved based on the lessons from the 2021 exercise. As a new feature, the projections on net fee and commission income (NFCI) will be based on a top-down model. This is a first step of revising the EU-wide stress test framework towards a hybrid (bottom-up and top-down) approach. Also, the sample coverage has been increased. An additional 26 banks have been added to the stress test sample compared to the 2021 exercise and further proportionality has been introduced into the methodology. The 2023 exercise will assess EU banks' resilience to an adverse economic shock and inform the 2023 Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP).

EBA publishes final regulatory products to harmonise the supervisory review and evaluation process of investment firms

The European Banking Authority (EBA) jointly with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), published today the final Guidelines on common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP) for investment firms. The EBA published also the final draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Pillar 2 add-ons for investment firms. Both regulatory products are based on the Investment Firms Directive (IFD) and aim to harmonise the supervisory practices regarding the supervisory review and evaluation process of investment firms.

The EBA observes a reduction of high earners in 2020 and a slight decrease of bonus levels in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its Report on benchmarking of remuneration practices in EU banks for the financial years 2019 and 2020 and high earners data (EU27/EEA) for 2020. The number of high earners went down from 1 444 (EU27/EEA) or 4 963 (EU28/EEA) in 2019 to 1 383 (EU27/EEA) in 2020. While the bonus level for high earners remained relatively stable, a visible reduction can be observed for risk takers (identified staff).

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