EBA publishes first final draft technical standards on own funds

  • Press Release
  • 26 July 2013

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on own funds. These final draft RTS will be part of the Single Rulebook aimed at enhancing regulatory harmonisation in the banking sector in Europe and namely at strengthening the quality of capital.

These final draft RTS cover different areas of own funds. In particular, the RTS on own funds part I specify the different elements of own funds, including: Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital, Additional Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 capital, deductions from the different types of capital, and transitional provisions for own funds in terms of grandfathering. The RTS on Gain on Sale specify further the concept and the treatment of a gain on sale, defined as any increase (or part of an increase) in equity under the applicable accounting framework arising from future margin income in the context of a securitisation transaction. The RTS on own funds part II specify the conditions under which competent authorities may determine that a type of undertaking recognised under applicable national law qualifies as a mutual, cooperative society, savings institution or similar institution for the purpose of calculating own funds.

Legal basis and next steps

These final RTS have been developed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (colloquially known as Capital Requirements Regulation or CRR).

The final standards have been sent today to the European Commission for their adoption as EU Regulations that will be directly applicable throughout the EU.

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu