EBA publishes final Guidelines on SREP methodologies and processes

  • Press Release
  • 19 December 2014
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final Guidelines for common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP). These Guidelines represent a major step forward in forging a consistent supervisory culture across the Single Market and provide a common framework for the work of supervisors in the assessment of risks to banks' business models, their solvency and liquidity. These Guidelines will be a key component of the EU Single Rulebook, which aims at improving the functioning of the internal market, including a sound, effective and consistent level of regulation and supervision in the banking sector. 
The Guidelines hinge on four main components: (i) business model analysis; (ii) assessment of internal governance; (iii) assessment of risks to capital and adequacy of capital; (iv) assessment of risks to liquidity and adequacy of liquidity. The assessment is summarised in a common scoring and leads to a consistent approach in setting supervisory requirements to hold additional capital and liquidity resources, as needed.
These Guidelines recognise the proportionality principle and the importance of supervisory judgement, providing a flexible but constrained framework for all EU supervisors. Moreover, they also recognise longer transitional arrangements for the application of certain quantitative liquidity and capital supervisory provisions.
The Guidelines will apply from 1 January 2016 and are addressed to all competent authorities across the Union, including the SSM, who are expected to comply by incorporating them into their supervisory practices, thus amending their respective legal frameworks or their supervisory processes accordingly. All Competent Authorities will ensure that EU credit institutions, including cross-border banking groups operating both within and outside the Eurozone, implement them when assessing risks as well as capital and liquidity adequacy.

Legal basis and next steps

The Guidelines have been developed according to Article 107(3) of the capital Requirements Directive (CRD) and aim at promoting common procedures and methodologies for the supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP) referred to in Article 97 of the CRD and for the assessment of the organisation and treatment of risks referred to in Articles 76 to 87 of the CRD.


Final Guidelines on SREP methodologies and processes

(1.55 MB - PDF) Last update 11 May 2015

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Franca Rosa Congiu