Supervisory convergence

This section illustrates the EBA's activities contributing to strengthening supervisory convergence, which range from the definition of guidelines and best practices, active participation in colleges of supervisors and organisation of dedicated training, the performance of peer reviews and other EBA independent assessments aimed at evaluating the degree of convergence.One of the EBA's key tasks is to promote convergence of supervisory practices to a high standard so as to ensure that regulatory and supervisory rules are implemented equally across all Member States. Convergent supervisory practices are indeed fundamental to achieve consistent outcomes and a truly level playing field, which are the basis of the single market.

This section also provides disclosure on the implementation of the prudential framework by Member States, including adopted options and national discretions as well as references to supervisory practices in the area of SREP and national statistical data on the banking sector, credit risk, operational risk, market risk, and supervisory actions and measures.


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