Call for expression of interest for new members of EBA Banking Stakeholders Group

<p>The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a call for expression of interest for membership to its Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG), as the mandate for the majority of its members will expire in April 2016. The call for expression of interest is open to candidates representing stakeholders across the European Union. The deadline for application is 15 December 2015. The announcement is available in all EU official languages.</p>

EBA launches call for expression of interest for new members of its stakeholders group

<p>The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a call for expression of interest for membership to its Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG), as the mandate for the majority of its members will expire in April 2016. The call for expression of interest is open to candidates representing stakeholders across the European Union. The deadline for application is 15 December 2015.</p>

EBA seeks legislative clarifications on mortgage lending value

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an Opinion on mortgage lending value (MLV) addressed to the European Commission and related to the EBA’s mandate to deliver technical standards harmonising the concept of MLV in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). In this Opinion, the Authority raises concerns about the possible unintended consequence that a harmonised definition of MLV across the CRR might have on the EU covered bonds market.

ESAs set out joint work plan for 2016

The Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, ESMA and EIOPA) published today its Work Programme for the upcoming year. Throughout 2016, the Joint Committee will continue to give high priority to Consumer Protection and Cross-Sectoral Risk Analysis.

EBA looks at asset encumbrance in EU banks

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its first analysis of asset encumbrance among EU banking institutions. This preliminary analysis will provide important elements for EU supervisors to assess the sustainability of banks funding structures. It shows there is no indication of a general increase in the level of asset encumbrance over recent years across EU banking institutions. The report will be published on a yearly basis in the future, as data quality improves with the full establishment of reporting requirements for asset encumbrance, a key component of risk management policies and decision making processes in the EU banking sector.

EBA recommends to the EU Commission retention of maturity ladder in the ITS on additional liquidity monitoring metrics

The European Banking Authority (EBA) issued an Opinion to the European Commission dissenting to its proposed amendment to remove the maturity ladder from the EBA final draft Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on additional liquidity monitoring metrics. However, the EBA supports the proposed amendment by the European Commission with regard to the application date of the ITS from 1 July 2015 to 1 January 2016.

EBA publishes new DPM and XBRL taxonomy for remittance of supervisory reporting

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an update to the XBRL taxonomy that Competent Authorities should use for the remittance of data under the EBA Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting. The new taxonomy will be used for the first reports under the revised Liquidity and Leverage Ratio requirements resulting from Delegated Acts of the European Commission.

EBA issues revised list of ITS validation rules

The European Banking Authority (EBA) issued today a revised list of validation rules in its Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting, highlighting those which have been deactivated either for incorrectness or for triggering IT problems. Competent Authorities throughout the EU are informed that data submitted in accordance with these ITS should not be formally validated against the set of deactivated rules.

EBA Board of Supervisors decides on the extension of terms of office for EBA Chairperson and Executive Director

The Board of Supervisors (BoS) of the European Banking Authority (EBA), the EU agency that brings together the banking supervisors of the 28 EU Member States, confirmed yesterday the extension of the mandates of Andrea Enria and Adam Farkas, respectively as Chairperson and Executive Director of the EBA for a another five year term from 2016 to 2021. The decision was based on the evaluation of the work of the past five years, as well as on work requirements for the coming years. The decision to extend Mr Enria’s term is subject to confirmation by the European Parliament.

ESAs see continued risks in EU financial markets and call for rigorous action on assets and liabilities

The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) for securities (ESMA), banking (EBA), and insurance and occupational pensions (EIOPA) have today issued their August 2015 Joint Committee Report on Risks and Vulnerabilities in the EU financial system. The joint risk report informs on risks in the EU financial system (banking, securities and insurance sector), with a particular focus on cross-sectoral vulnerabilities and developments.

EBA updates on remuneration practices and high earners data for 2013 across the EU

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a report combining the benchmarking of remuneration practices across the European Union and aggregated data on the remuneration of EU institutions’ staff who received, in total, EUR one million or more in 2013. The report shows that the number of high earners slightly decreased since 2012 and that the ratio between the variable and fixed remuneration paid to identified staff was further reduced in 2013. This report is part of the EBA's work on institutions’ staff remuneration policies aimed at ensuring prudent and sustainable risk taking in the EU banking sector.

EBA updates on remuneration practices and high earners data for 2013 across the EU

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a report combining the benchmarking of remuneration practices across the European Union and aggregated data on the remuneration of EU institutions’ staff who received, in total, EUR one million or more in 2013. The analysis focuses, in particular, on the identification of staff, the application of deferral arrangements and the pay out in instruments, as well as on the use of specific remuneration elements, such as guaranteed variable remuneration and severance payments. The report shows that the number of high earners slightly decreased since 2012 and that the ratio between the variable and fixed remuneration paid to identified staff was further reduced in 2013. This report is part of the EBA's work on institutions’ staff remuneration policies aimed at ensuring prudent and sustainable risk taking in the EU banking sector.

EBA to conduct further analysis on Net Stable Funding Requirements and Leverage Ratio

The European Banking Authority (EBA) informed today that it will incorporate additional analysis into its calibration reports on Net Stable Funding Requirements and Leverage Ratio. The announcement follows a request by the European Commission (EC) to obtain further advice so as to ensure its possible future policy actions in this area are well informed.

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