Survey: Review of the European System of Financial Supervision

  • Press Release
  • 31 May 2013

The European Parliament has commissioned two studies reviewing the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS). The first study (Part 1) deals with the work of the European Supervisory Authorities (European Banking Authority, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and European Securities and Markets Authority). The second study (Part 2) addresses the work of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). These studies will inform the deliberations of the European Parliament, in particular its Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs' (ECON). Mazars has been commissioned to write the study on the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs).

To take stock of the opinions of stakeholders, this survey is carried out on the three ESAs. Please feel free to complete one or more questionnaires if relevant to your organisation. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW BEFORE STARTING THE SURVEY.

*This survey is being managed directly and solely by Mazars on behalf of the European Parliament. Only Mazars has access to your responses.

Click here to take the survey:

The deadline date for responses is 21 June 2013 latest.

The ESA Questionnaires
As a stakeholder of one or more ESA, we would appreciate if you could take the time to complete this opinion survey(s) covering the work and performance of the ESAs' since their establishment in January 2011.

The questionnaires comprise circa 70 short questions each and are based around the following sections:
1. The ESA mandate
2. Resources
3. Independence and accountability
4. Cooperation and coordination
5. Consultation and communication
6. Consumer protection
7. Supervision
8. Macro level issues
9. The ESA stakeholder group
11. The Joint Committee
12. The evolution of the EU supervisory framework

A. Each web link is unique to your PC. Therefore, if you start the survey, it must be completed from your PC.
B. If a question is not applicable to you, please mark as ‘not applicable'.
C. Your answers will be saved automatically as you move through pages by clicking "next", therefore you can return to the survey on multiple occasions using the same link and take up where you left off.
D. IMPORTANT: if you submit the survey using the "submit" button, you will not be able to return to the survey.
E.  We recommend that you print your completed survey before submitting for your records (print by page).

Your answers will be treated confidentially and not be directly attributed to you in any report. All answers will be reported anonymously and at a consolidated level to the European Parliament.

Contact details
Should you have any questions about this survey or are encountering any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact Claire Barcoe of Mazars by email  or by telephone  +44 (0)20 7063 4602.

In addition, please send any supplemental information to Claire via email.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu