Venue: EBA Offices, Tour Europlaza, 20 avenue André Prothin, 92400 Courbevoie, France
Board of Supervisors meeting
Article 141c
Failure to meet the leverage ratio buffer requirementArticle 141b
Restriction on distributions in case of failure to meet the leverage ratio buffer requirementArticle 116a
Accessibility of information on the European single access pointReviewed supervisors overall applied the EBA’s recommendations on tax integrity and dividend arbitrage trading schemes, the EBA Report finds.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published a Peer Review assessing the effectiveness and degree of supervisory convergence of issues relating to tax integrity and dividend arbitrage trading schemes following the implementation of its 2020 Action plan on dividend arbitrage trading schemes. The action plan aimed to clarify that supervisors, while not responsible for investigating tax crimes, have responsibility for ensuring that financial institutions have systems and controls in place to manage tax crime risks.
Report on IRRBB heatmap implementation
Peer review on tax integrity and dividend arbitrage schemes
2022 EBA Privacy notice - AtD
EBA reflects on the short/medium term objectives of its interest rate risk in the banking book Heatmap
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published a Report on the short to medium term objectives of its interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) Heatmap, including observations and recommendations to institutions and supervisors.
The EBA issues an Opinion in response to the European Commission’s proposed amendments to the EBA draft technical standards on conflicts of interests for issuers of asset-referenced tokens
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published an Opinion on the amendments proposed by the European Commission (EC) to the EBA draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on conflicts of interests for issuers of asset-referenced tokens. The EBA agrees with the substantive changes proposed by the EC, which favour proportionality, as well as with the other amendments which are considered non-substantives.
Opinion on EC changes on RTS on conflicts of interests for issuers of asset-referenced tokens under MiCAR
TA-CA - Remuneration package
Draft Implementing Technical Standards on uniform reporting under SEPA
Draft Implementing Technical Standards on uniform reporting under SEPA - Annex I - Reporting templates
Draft Implementing Technical Standards on uniform reporting under SEPA - Annex II - Instructions
keynote speech - 9th Annual Afore Consulting FinTech Conference
The EBA publishes its draft final technical standards on reporting of data on charges for credit transfers and payments accounts, and shares of rejected transactions
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published its final draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on reporting of data on charges for credit transfers and payments accounts, and shares of rejected transactions. The ITS deliver on the mandate in the Instant Payment Regulation (IPR) amending the SEPA Regulation, and aim at standardising reporting from banks, payment institutions and e-money institutions (i.e. Payment Service Providers - PSPs) to their National Competent Authorities. The reported data will help to ensure consumers benefit from access to instant credit transfers, and that the latter are no longer more expensive than regular credit transfers. Following its public consultation, the EBA has postponed the first harmonised reporting from PSPs by 12 months, from April 2025 to April 2026.