Response to joint Consultation on draft RTS on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP

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Question 2. Are there particular aspects, for instance of an operational nature, that are not addressed in an appropriate manner? If yes, please provide the rationale for the concerns and potential solutions.

Art. 2 GEN and art. 1 FP of the draft RTS detail the risk management procedures in specific cases and list 8 instances where agreements in writing or other equivalent methods are required to benefit from these specific arrangements. From an operational point of view, obtaining these arrangements within the time frame defined in the RTS will cause significant bottlenecks and will prove extremely difficult to achieve in a satisfactory manner.
For the sake of efficiency and in order to limit operational risk during the implementation of the obligations, we recommend that the approach to the application of these specific conditions be reviewed in favour of an opt-out mechanism from the counterparties to the OTC transactions rather than the positive consent.

Art. 1 SEG of the draft RTS defines the initial margins segregation requirements and specifies that legal opinions on the segregation arrangements are required.
Due to the potentially high number of laws/jurisdictions involved in derivative transactions and custody relationships (e.g. law applicable to the counterparties to the transaction, the collateral collecting and receiving parties, the collateral issuer, the custodian, sub-custodians and depositary, law applicable to the contracts, etc., we anticipate that internal and external legal opinions will be both lengthy and costly to obtain and may be significantly qualified. We therefore question the frequency for re-issuing a legal opinion and would recommend that new legal opinions should be mandated as and when the relevant laws and regulations evolve rather than on a fixed periodic basis. Clarification is also needed on the conditions required for internal legal opinions from independent legal counsels to be valid and to what degree qualified opinions could be taken into consideration. Finally, we strongly recommend that legal opinions covering a specific set of jurisdictions instead of each individual client’s situation should be taken into account to limit the strain on legal resources.

Art. 1 VM and art.1 EIM of the draft RTS specify that counterparties shall collect margins on the day following the execution of the contract. We believe that the wording of this requirement should be clarified both to take into account the prevailing market practice and settlement delays for cash and non-cash collateral and also to describe the margin computation step and the actual collateral transfer step of the process. The requirement should also take into consideration practical issues, such as when the counterparties are operating in different time zones or are subject to different banking calendars.

Art. 1 FP – 4 of the draft RTS details the phase-in period and the conditions for exempting certain contracts from the IM collection obligation.
We support the phased in approach and would like to point out that under its current wording, its effects might be too limited because of the way some existing risk mitigation techniques operate.
Indeed, bilateral and multilateral portfolio compression is now common practice and is mandated by the EMIR for counterparties with more than 500 outstanding contracts. The effect of these compression exercises is to terminate existing contracts and to enter into replacement contracts that represent the same risk profile but with considerably less outstanding gross notional. Similarly, for operational or organisational reasons, it is frequent to novate the rights and obligations of a contract from one counterparty within a group to another.
We are of the opinion that contracts entered into following novations of pre-existing contracts should also benefit from the phase-in exemptions, especially for these two categories mentioned above (ie results of compression runs and of novations between entities of a same group). Excluding these contracts from the phase in period could have the undesired effect for some counterparties to refrain from participating in compression runs or deliberately tightening the conditions for submitting contracts for compression.

Arts. 1-3 IGT of the draft RTS detail the procedures concerning intragroup derivatives contracts. We strongly support the proposal and would like to stress the fact that for operational reasons, some flexibility should be given in the way the exemptions are applied (ie exchanging collateral in some circumstances despite the fact that the exemptions have been granted).

Question 4. In respect of the use of a counterparty IRB model, are the counterparties confident that they will be able to access sufficient information to ensure appropriate transparency and to allow them to demonstrate an adequate understanding to their supervisory authority?

We strongly support the RTS as currently drafted that allows for a model to be either developed by one of the two parties or jointly by the two parties, or to be provided by a third party agent.
We are confident that the adequate information will be available for all parties to justify understanding of the model to their supervisory authority.

Question 6. How will market participants be able to ensure the fulfilment of all the conditions for the reuse of initial margins as required in the BCBS-IOSCO framework? Can the respondents identify which companies in the EU would require reuse or re-hypothecation of collateral as an essential component of their business models?

We are of the opinion that the re-use of the initial margins should be consistent at the international level and that under no circumstances should the obligations under the RTS materially differ from other G20 jurisdictions’ regulations.

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