Response to consultation on Technical Standards on standardised terminology and disclosure documents under the PAD

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Question 4: Do you consider the terms and definitions proposed by the EBA in the Annexes to the draft RTS, and the resultant provisions in the Recitals of the draft RTS, to be adequate for achieving the aims of the Directive of enhancing transparency and comparability? If not, please provide alternative terms and definitions and their underlying rationale.

We suggest the following standardised terms and definitions for Slovenian language:

Vodenje računa / Ponudnik računa za stranko odpre in vodi račun.

Izdaja debetne kartice / Za transakcijski račun izda ponudnik računa stranki debetno plačilno kartico. Za znesek transakcije, izvedene s kartico, se neposredno in v celoti bremeni strankin računa.

Izdaja kreditne kartice / Banka izda kreditno kartico, povezano z računom stranke. Celoten znesek transakcij, izvedenih z uporabo kartice v dogovorjenem obdobju, se na dogovorjeni datum deloma ali v celoti trga s strankinega računa. Pogodba, sklenjena med banko in stranko, določa, ali se stranki za izposojo denarja zaračunajo obresti.

Limit na računu / Je dovoljeno negativno stanje na transakcijskem računu, za katerega se ponudnik računa in stranka dogovorita s pogodbo.

Kreditna plačila/ Je plačilni nalog stranke ponudniku računa, da z njenega računa prenese sredstva na dogovorjen račun.

Trajni nalog / Je plačilni nalog stranke ponudniku računa, da z njenega računa določeno obdobje prenaša dogovorjen fiksni znesek sredstev na dogovorjen račun.

Direktna obremenitev / Je plačilni nalog, s katero se stranka in prejemnik plačila dogovorita, da bo prejemnik plačila svojemu ponudniku računa posredoval nalog za obremenitev računa stranke.

Dvig gotovine / Stranka lahko s svojega računa dvigne gotovino.

Question 6: Do you consider the common symbol in the FID template that is being proposed in the draft ITS and its Annex suitable to achieve the aims of the Directive? Please explain your reasoning.

It is necessary to adopt a more flexible approach. The focus should be to prepare the FID consumer friendly, clear and transparent rather than focusing on the format (font size, spaces). Banks use their own font sizes and forms in line with their policy. The focus should be on the content of the document instead of the format.

Question 11: Do you consider the proposed instructions for payment services providers on how to complete the SoF template contained in Articles 2 to 16 of the draft ITS, to be suitable to achieve the aims of the Directive? Please explain your reasoning.

Clarification is needed regarding the “other services” and “additional information” and also regarding the detailed statement of fees paid (if cost indicators should be included in the FID, whether it is necessary to include the interest from deposits or savings account, which are released on the payment account).

Please select which category best describes you and/or your organisation

[Other "]"

If you selected "Other", please provide details

Bank association

Please select which category best describes the services provided by you/your organisation

[Cash related services"]"

Name of organisation

The Bank Association of Slovenia