Regulatory Technical Standards in relation to credit valuation adjustment risk | European Banking Authority
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Regulatory Technical Standards in relation to credit valuation adjustment risk
Status: Adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU
These Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) specify certain elements of the calculation of own funds requirements for credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk. CVA is the risk of loss caused by changes in the credit spread of a counterparty on derivatives transactions due to changes in its credit quality. The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) introduces two methods for calculating CVA risk, respectively a standardised and an advanced method, and mandates the EBA to specify how a proxy spread should be determined for the purposes of identifying the LGDMKT (Loss given default of the counterparty) and to provide details on what constitutes a limited number of smaller portfolios under the advanced method for calculating CVA risk.
Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on credit valuation adjustment risk for the determination of a proxy spread and the specification of a limited number of smaller portfolios