Response to consultation on Guidelines on the treatment of CVA risk under SREP

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Question 1: Do you agree with determining relevance of CVA risk by means of assessing the size of an institution’s derivative business using the exposure value for non-QCCP cleared derivatives transactions?


Question 2: What are your views on how Threshold 1 should be calibrated?


Question 3: Do you agree with determining relevance of CVA risk by means of assessing the share of own funds requirements for CVA risk to the total risk exposure amount?


Question 4: Do you agree with the approach provided for the determination of materiality of CVA risk?


Question 5: What are your views on how ‘x%’ (Thresholds 2 and 3) should be calibrated?


Question 6: Do you agree with the scope of derivative transactions to be included into the calculation of hypothetical own funds requirements for CVA risk?

We understand that regulators have been discussing, and the EBA is currently consulting on, the removal of the CVA exemption provided to banks when trading with pension funds during the period of the EMIR temporary pension exemption. We feel that any removal of this CVA exemption would undermine the temporary exemption provided to pension funds under EMIR and would make the non-cleared OTC derivatives markets unworkable for pension funds by disproportionately increasing the cost of these derivatives. We are concerned that European regulators tasked with implementing the regulation are considering overriding key terms agreed as part of European level 1 policy-making.

We request that the CVA exemption at least remain during the period of the EMIR temporary exemption provided to pension funds.

Question 7: Do you agree that intra-group derivatives transactions should be explicitly included into the scope of calculation? If not, what do you think could be a credible alternative treatment of the CVA risk of intragroup transactions?


Question 8: Do you agree with the approach provided for the determination of supervisory benchmark for material CVA risk?


Question 9: What are your views on how ‘y%’ (Threshold 4) should be calibrated?


Question 10: Do you agree with the approach provided monitoring of CVA risk by competent authorities and EBA and data to be provided to competent authorities for this monitoring?


Question 11: What is your view regarding the potential burden of computing hypothetical own funds requirement for CVA risk at the same frequency as the regulatory CVA VaR and Stressed VaR figures?


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